While having a chin wag with Bob at his house back in 2002, i mentioned my project WORLD PISS to him but before i could begin, he improvised an hilarious response.

: So, I'm working upon a project called World Piss at the moment...

RAW: World peace or world piss?

FLY: World piss

RAW: World piss (laughs) - Tell everybody next time they gotta take a good hardy piss, put it in an envelope and mail it to George W. Bush at the white house. They want to know what everybody's bladder is like these days so don't make 'em send the agents out to your house to collect the samples, send them to him voluntarily .[laughs] You love big brother, big brother loves you, war is peace, freedom is strength, ignorance is slavery - no, ignorance is strength freedom is slavery. The enemy is Iran, no the enemy is Iraq we just got one letter wrong - the enemy is Iran .[laughs] Hold on for the revision! DO NOT ADJUST YOUR MIND IT IS REALITY THAT IS MALFUNCTIONING! [fly laughing hard].

For my full interview with Robert Anton Wilson you can follow this link:

“Since the ontological basis of history is the relation of men with other men, the fact that the individual ‘I’ exists only against the background of the community, the poet does not have the right to populate his epic with an arbitrary selection of characters from different eras whose only purpose is to serve as exempla of the author’s particular predilections or dislikes.” Michael Bernstein, The Tale of the Tribe.
