Waywords and Meansigns: A Journey into Finnegans Wake
mix himself so at home mid the musik--FW, pg.437
Shortly after discovering the Waywords and Meansigns project, linked from a blog called RAWillumination.net tailored by Tom Jackson, I sent an email expressing my interest in contributing to the musical ceremony.
received a swift reply, informing me that the first edition of the
unabridged Finnegans Wake has been delegated to the early
contributors, but, due to such a positive and large interest in the
project a second full edition is underway, and that I would be
welcome to work on a chapter.
was given the choice of 3 chapters, and picked chapter 2 of book III
(pages 429-473). My deadline was mid' June 2015, I made a slow start,
recording perhaps 4 pages in 4 weeks, while making notes and working
the musical ideas through my minds eye. The second word of the
opening paragraph "Jaun" sent me on a brief trip around the
inside of my mouth until I discovered "YAWN" not "JAYUN"
and laughed out loud at the hidden, perfect fitting name of the
dreamer, carried about this whole chapter like a sleeping baby in a
Pelican's beak.
around the Spring Equinox I received a surprise email from the
project Illuminati, informing me that a space had opened up in the
first edition for the chapter I was working on, and if I would like to
take the spot, and...could I get the chapter completed by April 15th
(my 39th Birthday). I said yes, of course, yes yes, and quickly set about
making a plan for getting the 40 pages recorded, and busy creating some
new music.
the reading itself was boosted immeasurably by support, encouragement
and spirited performance by my friend, actor, comedian, scholar:
William Sutton. In roughly 3 recording sessions held between
William's kitchen, and my front room, here in Amsterdam, we managed
to get a good half of our assigned chapter in the bag. These
recordings feature various street traffic, the occasional siren, the
pitter-patter of a small doggies footsteps on a linoleum floor,
giggles from William's son Liam, and his partner Sassy, the crinkle
of paper, the ping-ding and whoosh of street-trams passing.
pages were coming in around the 3 minute 40 mark, so bearing that in
mind I started working on some percussion tracks and guitar jams of
equal length. As the chapter grows I generally move from single
brushes on snare drum, and brushes on cymbal tracks, to a faster
paced rhythm track, introducing the kick drum and some recordings
made at full drum-kit.
recorded some samples of Gregorian Chanting, from vinyl, both
backwards and forwards, plus some light scratching patterns using an
early track by Sun Ra called 'dreaming' that I applied to the
percussive template. Next I applied vinyl static to each page to give
the impression of a phonograph recording "Lps. The keys too. Given!"--FW, pg. 628. Lastly
I applied some other effects samples of ocean waves, water trickles,
winds, fire and the sound of a typewriter, all strategically placed
to echo associated parts of the text.
the 15th of April, my copilot and audio wingman in Amsterdam, Tim
Egmond, managed to find time in the afternoon to re-stitch all the
pages together into one long track (2h:38m) and apply some vital
mastering. And that's what happened, and that's what you hear here.
healing music, ay, and heart in hand of Shamrogueshire!--FW, pg. 472
laughing lazy at the sheep's lightning and turn a widamost ear dreamily to the drummling of snipers, hearing the wireless harps of sweet old Aerial and the mails across the nightrives (peepet! peepet!) and whippoor willy in the woody (moor park! moor park!) as peacefed as a philopotamus,--FW, pg. 449
has been a hell of a lot of brilliant scholarship and commentary on
Finnegans Wake, and I do not kid myself that I have much original
thought on it. However, in collaboration with a large
international group of Joyce heads, there seems to be something
innovative and indeed new, about the Waywords and Meansigns project,
a collaborative unabridged reading and musical interpretation of
Finnegans Wake.
starters, most of the other FW projects are readings by a single
narrator, such as the brilliant Patrick Healey, or a single group of
performers in a single geographical location. Here we see a truly
international fellowship of like minded individuals, each with a very
different approach to the text, each seemingly forced into making a
whole new style, since working the text of Finnegans Wake into the
music, I suspect, stirs up such unique and poly-rhythmic patterns.
Wake--in the age of hyper-intelligent search engines and textual
analysis previously unimaginable--remains the literary equivalent of
Mount Everest. Unsurpassed in its originality, inclusiveness and
ability to remain relative to each generation of readers. Readers who
become performers simply by the act of reading the interactive text.
Acknowledged by many as a musical texts, FW does indeed create a
cacophony of voices and sound effects, exploited and amplified in the
new project and by all the musical minded Joyceans, weaving the dream
together into whole cloth.
would go so far as to say that this project ranks as a 21st century
'tale of the tribe' 21CTOTT. The Tale of the Tribe, to mean an epic
poem, a modern verse epic poem, but one that includes history. An
epic poem including history. Well, to my limited knowledge there are
not many contenders for this title. Robert Anton Wilson might say
that the two major literary giants who evolved the tale of the tribe
into a single book, are James Joyce, with you know what, and Ezra
Pound with his 50 year epic poem including history: The Cantos.
went further to define his own conception of the tale of the tribe,
including other characters, not just literary figures, to include
Giordano Bruno, Giambattista Vico, Nietzsche, Alfred Korzybski, W. B
Yeats, Ernest Fenollosa, Buckminster Fuller, Claude Shannon, Norbert
Weiner, Marshall McLuhan, Orson Welles, and Pound and Joyce.
punch line, from what I could gather, is that the new electrical
hyper-connected global village and advanced information sharing
culture may bring about a new renaissance in human evolution, due in
part to new understandings--brought about by open source research
tools, translation tools such as Wikipedia etc.--of some of the
misunderstood innovators from past eras, often brushed off into the
gutter by mainstream culture and academia. Yet, with these powerful
new tools we can go back and look again at these once occluded works
and begin sifting out the treasures that, RAW, and a few others, have
suggested may hold the keys to a fairer, equal and fun future for all
tale of the tribe, among other things, shows how complicated and
mixed up the origins of civilization and culture are. Digging beneath
the surface of a single source, the task at hand seems to be managing
to construct a foundation capable of holding such a massive
synthesis. Not just an encyclopedia, but a journey through history,
through the details and notes made by those who were there, primary
source material, somehow re-jigged into a new form.
I may have no mind to lamagnage the forte bits like the pianage but you can't cadge me off the key. I've a voicical lilt too true. Nomario! And bemolly and jiesis! For I sport a whatyoumacormack in the latcher part of my throughers. And the lark that I let fly (olala!) is as cockful of funantics as it's tune to my fork. Naturale you might lower register me as diserecordant, but I'm athlone in the lillabilling of killarnies. That's flat.--FW, pg. 450
Waywords and Meansigns: A Journey into Finnegans Wake
Steve Fly 33.