Hi, in contrast to my blog yesterday, I've let my words fly in a first-thought best-thought cypher, to imagine a vaccination potion full of verbs and motion.
Soul vaccination,
All across the nation people been catchin' honkypox (Honkypox)
When you get the notion,
Tower's got the potion - you might look in to set yourself in motion.
--Soul Vaccination, Tower Of Power (What Is Hip)
Patience patient paint that paradise
Dr immuno' flow help you throw the dice, thrice
Who know what you think you know, let it go
Let it flow, spring come lift the light plant and grow
Wash em' lift it up and push it up keep vibes up high
Planet spinning on its axis, rapid climate renewal
Quick death of toxic stock in fossil fuel?
Banking crash human race nineteen meter dash
French minister of culture cumming out with the rash
Johnson and Trump eye the cash king, econo-money over people?
Putin wins republican tory vote
Billions of particles dormant in throat
The vote spoiled crops and oats
Stop the blame game, same game, stop the wheels
Not with a bang but with a whimper
Better get a woolly jumper, spring has sprung
Equinox 2020 indoors tracking thought spores up walls
Banish fears and move forward like new years
Watch the fossil fuel weasels fight in their hole
Watch the Eagle, the Bear, The Unicorn and Vulture
Reach for the bowl, good for the soul and the journey
Euthanasia king now fight kapow
Hemp futures, plant a seed, that’s what we need
Fight greed with surplus, forests mighty string
Food fibre fuel, come on fool…I'll be your mule
Grow that hemp for victory
To fight the king 19 viruses, microbial and global
Use your head heart and irises
Look, listen, shine glisten
Now be that change, stay in range, set your sights
Like Noah we move tongues to a new dark 3.0 cypher
“Oh no…” but stand up and face the music, don’t go
Be the forward thinking solutions oriented one
Like, ride your bike
Take a hike
Don’t touch that rail, feed the poor and make them strong
Look after your prisoners,
Hold your officials to their word
Wash your hands, flush the turd
Attention to word mind body
You’re not going to die be strong, hold on buddy
Here’s a hand not a head-in the sand
Here’s a jazz solo, a new album, a brand new band
Over air, sea and land, in hope you better understand
Rhyme can unleash endorphins
And endolphins swim with dolphins
Prose vaccination for experimentation
Try it, don’t buy it grow your own
Put down that toilet roll put down your phone
Wash your hands and put em’ in the air
Wave em’ like you care
Mash on son, mash on with compassion
Get your grow on, go on
Earth and humanity needs you and what you grew
Make a new garden crew
Do what you need to do to prevent flu
Stay high, fly, CBDJ "Hi,"
Feed your immune system with funny thoughts
Play mind games and put out doubt with flames
Quote facts and peer-reviewed names to reignite
Each and every night unravel your talk tapes mi' mates
More toxic than J.P Morgan
Monsanto and a five-year-old bag of rotten potato
From the get-go King Virus by contamination
Like the four horseman in the Tesco lasagna
Pangolin traffick
Led to global epidemic
Pick up the mic and go endemic to prevent panic
With a goat, sceptre, and pot plandemic
Slammdemic dem
Murder virus sound
Kill that virus sound
Slamm Dem Pandem Mandem standin' firm
Throw water on it, fire, earth, blow it away?
No gun or bomb can shoot this King dead
Spreading like all memes trending at once, widespread dread
All Ornette Coleman solo’s at once
A William Gibson meets John le Carre’ finale’
Humanity run off down the motorway like a headless Pangolin
News and gov still manglin’
Vultures anglin’
Life lines be danglin’
Who’s who is handling?
Ching Ming….CHING MING
What good governance?
Utterance, for a dollar do a Johnson trap dance
Pulling out while Cummings keeps on Cumming
In Putin’s mouth
Snivilization slouches further south
No worries, it’ll soon come around
Table turn around sounds fresh and loud
Disperse to move the crowd, us discoronians stick apart
Stay one meter away and claim your space
Make your ritual space in that place
Surround yourself with good omens
Cleanse banish power up be here now
Wash your hands and then touch your face
Speak with sincerity, move with a trellis of lace, with grace
Rhyme to climb into the head and bring relief
Boost your immune system with some sexual relief
No tissue, use a handkerchief
Turn grief to a new leaf, good greaf?
Sacrifice for greener futures
That healthy planet for the young the dinosaurs refused?
A death sentence for business
The end of the dinosaur age is messy
Goodbye T-Rex, goodbye Nessy
Oil and fossil fuel industry made dust, past history
Toxic debts and bonds fall like towers unwashed money
Another bust boom bust boom!
Evidence capitalist governmints made of sand-men
Who do you trust?
World market kept up by tent poles made of jelly and marzipan
International unrestricted finance capitalism
Pandemic running loose infecting humans for millennia, check it
If Language is a virus from outer space so is money, burn it
A Pangolin Bat broth dissolved trillions
Gobble gobble gobble they earned it
Hairs on the arms of billionaires and millionaires flare
You can imagine them looking into space
From a Yacht, that stare
No blame, stop hating, we need to come together and stick apart
And keep masterbating
Wankers against the second come-king
Our leader's Russel Brand and Milley Ray Cirus
You’re gonna need pliers to get me out of bed
Stuck to the sheets by my leaky prik-stick spread
Who’s the illest now?
Beat the virus
Go wireless and tell a tireless solo choir-less let's go
Don’t fight forces use them,
Learn to love the illness and embrace darkness in fullness
And shine light, illuminate, stimulate sexdrive
To produce white blood cells
Mind body speech, word sound power, wash pray spit and shower
Cleanliness is next to holiness, be the pollan and the flower
Dethrone King virus and lock it away in a tinder box.
Not from terrorists but bats and pangolin
Pang, pang, pang, pang, with a pang and with a whimper
Solidarity with all in discomfort from hunger loneliness
Suffering from Corvid19, heartbreak or regular flu
My thoughts and virtual arms just dropped the mic to hug you
Fight back with A G C and T
It’s only about 8 Kilobytes, put em’ up,
Language is the key, break the spell do it well, duck, weave, duck duck
invocation not required, they’re all around touch taste sound smell
On earth and inner neurological spaces, as in heaven as in hell
Places to bottle up solutions and write new potions
To kill the King Virus and bring hope to nations
Yes we can figure out preventative medicine
Starting with high dose sessions of psilocybin
Stay high and happy, positive, keep vibing
Calling all gods and goddesses worldwide and beyond
From the Compton Length to Hubble's Red-Shift
Under mountain, glacier and pond
Give us a hond’
Every quantum super-computer and solid-state entity
Each and every discarnate spirit, ghost, an angel hear me
There’s no part of me that’s not of the gods, you neither
What are the odds, really, what are they cuddlies
Who's the patient zero breeder?
May the researchers find luck and perspire little
May the ancestor animal and insect spirits rise from this spittle
And bring the entheogenic dimension of love to our eyes
Love all the people the plants and the flies
Take rest on your low points, take flight on your highs
Do art and dance, sing keep an eye out for all
Up there on the ceiling and above the roof from the floors to the wall
Keep death on a pale horse at bay
The return of the King
Who would want such a thing
Who wears the crown of thorns
What religious leader can end all wars
Biological peacemaker or lifetaker?
Poems dark turn toward scripture, tongues burn
A crown of thorns corona
The second coming of Christ, Koronagain
Judgement Day Coronopalypse
Convictions make convicts?
If you wish to put it that way and let it past your lips?
I say neigh, not on my watch, not tomorrow and not today
Pick any scripture, any month, any day and fire away and say
Any event from the last five years signifies end times
Judgement day, the apocalypse
World populist political surge and 2008 banking heist scourge
Economic corporate fascist free-reign, acid rain, Bottcher con main
Climate and environmental lies, deceit…
Take your pick…from the familiar terrain, stay rational
Don't loose your nerve
Just cuz' Christ wore a crown of thorns
And his mythical return to judge
Humanity does not mean
The Jesuspect Christereotype is guilty, does it?
Cleanliness next to holiness
From animal kingdom hunted and trafficked
To near extinction by an appetite for meat and status, meat death
Better get in touch with your immune system, direct line please
Hello, hi, hello, can you hear me, this is…..
Hello, hey, are you there, this...this is steve"
As I said take those magic mushrooms, get up, get out of bed
Stand up be strong lead the way to health and fitness, break bread
Get ready to fight and to encourage others
Rhyme with reason be tough
Be brave write it out, fears and cheers together
The light and dark Escher effect
What happened to bird flew and wine flu?
Word flew, bird said, word stew, me brew tea brew
The vaccine is at the bottom of the mushroom teacup
With chunks of some Amanita or other?
Fly Agaric used and abused for weapons chemicals
Enhanced mushrooms warfare
To cause illness and sickness
Respiratory poison mustard gas nerve agents
From poisonous mushrooms
So odious and against nature and her love
NO! use mushrooms for good god damn it
Within the poison may lie the cure?
Ah, fuck it, I’ll smoke a spliff and listen to Rob Smiff.
Love you, stay safe.
--Steve Fly Agaric 23.
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See Also: