Dude Lie pt. 1

who's it gonna' be, who?
and what policy
good for me well bully for you
will it be lucky Les'
the police commissioner
pardon me chap,
computer engineer
fancy that

Ian 'bostin' Austin
hard labour hanger on
what policy?
universal basic income?
on. Get hip to J.C doood.

Bill 'the swill' Etheridge
for the purps
previous 9,000 plus votes
bursting purple, snap.
what policy?

Blue, red and
all bursting shades of

red has slightly more
oxygen in it

nuff' bout the bloody puppets,
what gwarn' wit the policy?

This is not some kind of a
gameshow. snap.
this is politics in
Dudley, snap.


"Why can't we live together?"--Sly

I ain't no politician, i am not studied in arts
of rhetoric, parliamentary history
law, regulation or social statistics
of race class gender sexual preference
and/or religious persuasion.

i am not a businessman
a venture capitalist or CEO
i am not qualified to even really be writing this
i mean, i am no match for the smartest
whips in the hoodly Dudley.

Just a voice in the wilderness
many miles away drifting over in
rain and cloud foggy mist.

Just pretty pissed.
Drunk and angry, beligerent
pissed off and ready to rant
ready to chant

Not my monkey, not my circus
not my town not my people
think for yourself!
but please, remember the others

you are my others
unknown readers
seeders and DJs
here to address Dudley
snap elections 2017.

My platform,
Boots chemistry
and brain training
to know a platitude
spot a lie
wouldn't hurt a sky

to the fly with the utopian
verse, out with the curse
bloody hell the dull numbing
fat of purple feeble old
can't read
anybody elses opinion

Tories led to the farmyard
for some trough questions
nom nom nom nom
intelligent so should know better

Labour candidates
kidnapped and played
Slavoj Zizek lectures on repeat
until Hegel, Lacan
Stirner and Nietzsche are
firmly imprinted and understood

oh fuck it
better of just randomly
picking a name out of a hat
to find a trusted leader in these times
an accidental chance gardener
maybe what we

reqire but we'll
get the animal swill
the same animals driven
by consumption
blind to structure
same fat different glasse
you dig?

here's what led me to this
i wanted to write on the Dudley
snap election.

And i looked online and snap.
My first impression:
how much money did the Tories
pay for that headline?

then the penny dropped
they own all the fucking newspapers
stourbridge news, halesowen news,

2nd largest
newspaper distributer
parented by Gannet media in Virginia!

so make Dudley great again
create a free and independent press
get rid of the adverts
that pop up when reading
a friends obituary

and check yo' letters
more carefully for
hate groups and racist comments
moderate better.

And those linked news stories,
like the one about the ex-copper
who quit to lap dance
how are they generated!
by what algorithm

so i don't like the policy
so i try and brake the foundation
call conspiracy between media
corporations, generally biased toward
the right leaning friendly capitalists

the ideological moral cowards
the moral cowards
the moral cowards
the moral cowards

so, you have the intelligence
at those wrinkled fingertips
all the history books,
all the social data,
but what about the psychology
the magic, the art
got any of that?

Not to tease you
my imaginary political nemesis
but the nitty gritty for me revolves
around the questions of identity
individual and national
soveriegn and narrative
spiritual and dialectically material
let us play
let us say

and on policy?
my turn, what would i do what did i learn?
not to turn the other cheek,
not to insult the weak
to leak or not to leak
security and insecurity
Otis Redding

and if you can't achieve tolerance
at least attempt some courtesy
have a heart
not just a way

Listen to those with a
balanced and clear voice
with a joy and love of knowledge
to pass on memorable phrases
dazzle with erudition
make fun
and invite interaction

Beware of the bores
the predictable, low
information content
content with status quo
standing together
better together together
stronger standing better
jobs standing
jobs better standing together

how can this writing change anything
scroll on fascists!
kidding, just scroll on...

and more of this emo tone
drone of moan moan moan
if you don't vote you can't complain
don't moan cuz' you don't vote
this is art moan,

a loan moan, a road groan from a lone crone,
a sewed comb to a thigh bone to a cell phone
key drone driveless driveby shooting of tony
tooting the great floating captain puss in bootin'
snooty toot footy but handy sandy shandy swillin'
top billin' acrillin more than your zillion up late tillin'
culture by the chin of flax, vinyl by stacks by the wax
sleeping in the cracks calculating tax on rish and poor
move over don't snore, you hear, get up, get up.
there's work to be done.

think it through
check the policy follow
yourself into narrative identity
labyrinth and find your future
entangled self embattered
to the saucepan-
-aromicon picture

rock the hobby horse
and roll with the leaf
I think Shakespeare smoked a
tidy pipe, and maybe huffed
hashish shish.

excuse me,
i mean i don't hate these
animals i pity them,
oh and i am an animal too
i also have these desires
you can read all about em'
but i don't go forcing my
politics on people

and other ideas beyond the
political sphere of debate
social credit
block chain systems
drug reform
mental health reform
land and property reform
in ways not yet detailed in
any plans from the contenders

imagination is the key
have the vision,
like merry hill,
with no shops, just free food
and relaxation areas,
workshops, open theater
open free bustling with people

--Steve Fly

Steve Fly 33.
