racism like an infection
slowly infecting the host
the language user turned
naive realist
since Plato and Aristotle
the language virus infecting
the domesticated primates
to be or not to
lies of nations states and
genetic family chauvinists
the great conceit
the big fuckup and shitter
the ability to define the difference
and the sameness with
equal truth
a product of the environment
and a product of genetic heritage
both forever tangled and swaying
like a pendulum
so racists for starters are sure
racists are cock sure they are right
about the prejudice they hold
solid and unchanging perception
unable to update their system
stuck in outdated modes of thinking
racists are static
stuck in a closed loop of
self centered wrongness
wrong due to the fact humans are defined
by the ability to suspend judgement
all the fucking "ists"
you dig my drift? eh?
the fucking "ists" those who
invoke hate on some group
defined with the "ists" sufix
or for that matter define any
group good or bad with the general
group-think catch
the trouble starts with the word
nouns and humans do not mix well
or mix very well at all at all
it starts with the words
before the words we are trouble free
no label to carry preconditons
no pre-judgement but moment
to moment feedback based on
the racist likes a tidy box
a neat and fitting system and idea
a foundation for group think
to justify itself
a bed of blatent false pretenses
a good place for the meat head to roll
break out of the linguistic
prison that you guard yourself
find the key to doubt
the key to doubt turned left
opens new doorways and paths
racists and most "ists" seem thick
thick and stuck in the mud of hate
self centered ignorance and without
a creative pulse left flowing
all knocked into shape by authority
delusions of the sovereign
language is a virus from
outer space Burroughs said
and racism can infect slowly
through words then deeds
in league with greed
group think and generalized
prejudice on the up
thur. 17/07/15. The Doors. Amsterdam. 21:42
Steve Fly 33.