Foil Spill.

Prayer? is that all that is left now, to help fix the leak
Miles beneath the ocean floor.
Meanwhile wikileaks performs by example,
No secrets, we can handle it.
By the looks of things, they cannot handle anything.

Intelligence, Government and their media circus
Spins death and destruction with celebrity sickness
Anomalies cast as 'the common view'
The usual political shit flinging,
Bankers running off with the profits from a disaster
Over and over again.

Large corporations and intelligence gathering
Services combine forces, a fog of business
Enterprise, foreign finance interest, and
Defense of the sovereign, the flag, the logo.

In the name of profit and business
Money and power broking, we all go broke.
The ocean's choke.

Wild conspiracies rage about conspiracies
Just breathing together, or
Blowing out together, the earth conspires to

Mankind conspires to corrupt.
Truth and fairness the first victims,
Information tarnished, smudged and dirtied
Like a working mon's dungaree.

Cleaness and transparency share a bed.
BP and wikileaks clash,
Facts and spin can be distinguished,
And distinguished by individuals,
Smoke can be exstinguished by transparency
In communications, in economy, government,
And oil drilling operations.

Drilling for the truth,
Maybe deepwater Horizon struck wikileaks
And blew its top, the pressures getting so high
They blew all the covers and fail safe's
The shit is out and in the ocean
In the infosphere, and cannot be put back again.

The pangs and pain of anguish,
The death and destruction and disinformation
Spread out by those hired to help us,
Contrasting the bare sharing and open
Efforts to save humanity from the 'single
sighted' sleeping monster that is
Intelligence, Banking and Government coercion
Stalking the land, fucking shit up.

And yet,
We will endure further attacks on civility
And forgive mistakes blunders and accidents
Of the worst kind, and forgive the fleecing and
Bad reporting or (lack of fair reporting)
By any so called 'major' news source.

International finance has its fingers in
Most pies, newsmedia, TV and Oil business in particular,
A spectacular nefarious mix of power brokers
Money and beef men, Cheney and Bush types.
To mean Criminal terrorists.

And the US crime squad launches an attack on
Julian Assange, while the BP executives
Sit down for spilt cofee and biscuits.

BP profit leaks kill humans and fish
Wikileaks does not kill, it does the opposite
It informs and provides information,
The Life of the mind.

What of the hair booms and hay solutions
To mopping up the spill, not used by BP
What of the chemicals sprayed and the
Lack of testing and collaboration with locals to its use.

What of the deepest drill hole in the world?
What of other chemicals coming out with the oil?
What of dropping a huge block on top
What of the nuke and the dame done?

What of the miss-calculations and
Wrongheaded statistics, the lies and sly mistakes,
What of BP, and other oil companies,
And what of the governments that regulate them
And the people who vote for them?
What of blame, and forgiveness,
And what,
What on earth can we do to apologise
To the creatures killed, or dying
From this disaster?

--Baron Von Periwinkle III

Steve Fly 33.
