WORLD PRIce? CHAPTER 8. Cheoops cops hold keystones

Chapter VIII.
"if you don't like what you're doing, you can always pick up your needle and move to another groove." --Timothy Leary.
This (IS) maybe the secret. Shhh. My secret. it is hidden hidden hidden. A Chemical Agent of evolution. OO-Sensi!

Aliens maybe concealed within the false
Moral matrix concealed when i see
Darker than Darpa with my muse flies shit n' ting

You must ingest them to communicate with em, real tiny people, elves, dwarfs they come, maybe from Montauk? To piss clear. No wires attached just GNU wines down the hatch, an underground netwerd of mycelium agents.

Tinter-knit-working. Plotting beneath the surface. Sleeper cells of sillily bin. Crawling like worms through Gaia's earth. Anticipating the day they shall reveal their fruiting body. My fruiting body. Her fruiting body. And release our spores on the wind. Now - let the wind speak. Yes my friend, in the wind. Wynd your mind maybe the gate. Hear the music? Your body sΩma temple tumbler, a vessel to wrestle in, a cruxsyllable of life and death. ©hrist Blood line bus route stopped in 2004, don't you read the maps son? A chemical keySTONE. Fruiting for gratis; no money. What bank can distribute Telepathik yoga mushrooms and succeed in spreading spor't for all? Lookout for Keystone cops and government sanctioned robbers clubbing the world. Erase authority with 10 billion deleted file's.

And it hit me like a magik bullet in the back of the head - bhang, my eyes bled crimson. "Holy Dung, Holy Grail". Sovereignty resides in the power to issue up your assets. A finnancial black-hole from which nothing escapes. it just eats up product. One percent of Earth people own 99 percent of the money money on earth really? Plants and animals own money to. But can also be excahnged with money? What IS this stuff? My GOD! Paper money and now invisible credit too. invisible content seems to me breakthrough into the invisible world of spirit. Such faith. Such faith in paper. A great clog, O.K a "big shit" must be stuck in the U-bend of economic democracy these days. One % of humans own 99 % of the money. What on earth do you think is going on? daylight robbery? Don't tell me what to believe, and don't believe the skype from the people who want You to believe in non-belief; their skype has nearly twice as much hype and equals: Believe the hype. if two Positives equal a negative. Skype like a sedative. Sky pipe from a lost Shaman time, wireless communications between all people, all nations! Don't believe that Horse Skype. its no more real than Television, maybe its just that whomever your talking with on Skype eclipses their screenwriter, script editor, casting agent and perceives themselves to be living in a non-television world. Don't believe the skype. Make love often. its Good for you.

A Tree. A Branch growing from the trunk which grows a fruit, a recursive vehicle for the seed/DNA/life message from [her neo pagan muck and Livia] and so a Branch Bank? and with a thought for the funk. Muck and Money go together. That must be a seed bank in my Joy [seeing] seeing at the mumento. So, ire' keep my talk tapes lucy, cuz i don't wanna loose my grip of 'Elsie Bonding" 'imagistic" Flotographs of western Gambling governments rolling out policy based on dice throughs and whiskey evenings and golf inspired wisdom, blind, stacked by drunken buddies, drunken emperors.

Gordon Brown, the new dealer of the Untied Kingdom house of cards. Kings Bullies brutes crooks and bloody moral dogmatists empiracists, grow like cists on the corn of wealth. The land that sustains all product and the workers who translate into consumer product, all fleeced by the owners, stockbrokers and gangsters. stockmarcutthroat. Fair play i suppose. But Like Ergot on the rye folks burnt Eyes digress again with 52 shillings. But imagine this - imagine - if the whole stack of cards were psychotropicture inducing? we read on. Hallucinate process hemisemithink? each carefully stacked. balanced, pivoted, shaped, within a vortex of the neurolaw dealers "hands" yes, neuro-dealer, it makes sense to me now, more sensi. Crime think. Thought Crime. War on some people who use some drugs. A rotary wheel, craps and stacks of chips. A SEAL/ Calendar indeed. A Knu Era. A Revolution in the minds of the people. A wild KNU ideo-flash space-splurge. What is it? like much ancient oriental calligraphly.

Just unscrewed a bottle Cap swigged a whole bottle back to back down my gullet into my conspiring stomach sack, pouch, pocket, belly-bag. A banned brook still locked up in the vaultstream of Osiris. Cheoops cops hold keystones, A dream on a Greyhound bus riding through Texas of water skiers, skype rope to galactic center. Rivers, searching, winding channels in my mind and digging in these desert/Moon creators, rusty red rocks. Gorrilaz and Chewlett pack hard together. He man was at war with himself and the world just to build a new world of a new word, fresh, whatever comes, he put guitar with it and drums, now everybody comes so he gets washed down stream in the flow, more spitting about what we all can't know, what we all can't know, what we al must show, make it glo, pee in the snow, draw back the curtains, lights, stage, now the show, now the show, Now "Know" global village spillage, lime zing, ocean blue from a mind pulsing with imagistani geoglyphy and spliff eye vies of the news he sliced. No news seems good news.
"Nothing is. Nothing becomes. Nothing is not. —- Aleister Crowley.
Slippery Toad shit n' mist. Witches pussycat, the loving Mr. mischief, Mcbride Yeats and Joyce and Pound and Wilson brewing in a pot. Calling the DEAD poets, improv' poetree born acceded and died wild wise talk. The lost lungwaj of messiahs, Ode to voice and pitched that way. Subass species at hand/mind/process. Blending wax discs. The roots of the trees and the organic WAVE double Dublin Dub plate vinyl slang heaped ply over ply, stax of wax over sealed dub plate sovereign Almeneater pressing. Sung aloud! i'm bangin' techno into shape. an ornate bell, rung and attracting strange songblows, wrong write, wrote murder slander and gander goose loose styler, free and easy come flex with me. still, flu-book acrillic breaker of vaults pole vaulter of faults to reach six trillion vaults and blasting humanity into space with Stilts to help traverse the unknown Fresnel verse coindance, fifty-pence. Counting and concressing convergence chance game of tarot cards, spun and gamblyn bards, throw down shards of street knowledge respect and realism, spinning wheel of rotamotor turn tables triple transverse goddess fables Aman-eata i told ya. Eat authority and Lick the sturch yards clean, make meters squint into Pookaseconds, Nanopoulos in your guts. A peecoo into Vico can snatch the hatchlings from eggs of easter up to the hyperboreans,

We maybe hyperboreans! "bard Symbolist horsefly. Gold F.A cup washer. Get up. Get to it. Eight Eight Eight. Tonguetooljister creamlaying the isle of knight rider Rachel and her helping hand cream dreamstroke. And me spitting biological diversity diversions and seedy excursions. Fourteen versions. University waltz and Surrealist collage marching Celtic knowtooth fairies fly out like champagne foam colored ink and trickle down stainford road. Letterplates and Guctenborg shields held high, wielding songs of life, Mantra 357. Mamasutra tell the tales of twisted stein-space, i and i jah rastarotaturntribal bible for the Grey race to heaven. The fly who becomes the message. Finnagainst racing and singing to birth itself, WOiD'O garLick. Dyslexic because of a raging fire in the right side of my head. image of red and image of the dead. Steal YU's face.

The blues. Body has been dissmembered and scattered throughout the western lands like humpty dumpty, i'm fragmental so watch me, watch the time though, breath in the M❍❍n on your pyjama top and the stars in your eyes. Round shadows cover the the flowery pond. Oil drums litter the River like oil bombs. To Ducks the Sun sets when it wants to set. Unsettled a bird lost from the flock. ive found the meaning of YU. Sunny razzle flash 26 September 2010. Face the Odyssey. inside the cranial picture house, soon to be closed down, the dead seaman rolls acroxx Her cupids lips. Across a really mental landscape, from the muddle east, muddel earth, burnt brazen, pooping copper scrolls from caves, unravel doctrine like a whipped post boy. Allegro torture. Faster iran and rolled bronze charas glyphs into cryptic spliffs, sparked up by enligheningment, stained blue. There's an insect infestation in the wooden floors darling."They seem to be Moving" "They're moving, yes."

With a hint of crimsun thunder bolt. A return of the dead sea army out of the rosy spring waters, Yobanita tsogyogtouth back from beyong time and wine, back to the vine Zep Tepi. Late Sun, the stream and the Mmm hills; the beauty. Mmm bridges. Masses of flowers and plants envelop the River banks of my memories. Quiet rivers have flowery banks. My old eyes grow dim and moist with tears. Foot and mouth walking talking cows telling tales of roads to Elysus, tales of a Golden flie, buzzing fire in the head. The road to Elysus was crawling with cops trying to steal my crops; they want my piss in a jam jar, "urineluck" i say, as i piss over the patrol car: A super-Fly carwash. Eye yam vine trunk, stunk and dissorderly, dissoriented in the western lands covered from foot to mouth in vine must. Eyem vine trunk pissed and zonkers.

The months and years, how they've piled up. i toss and turn unable to sleep this evening. Climbing down Watsons spiral staircase fly Cricked the nape of my neck looking for the King when? sequence footnotes, accension to the underworld accent; the deep regions of throaty time. Telemachus Sneezed. Tales from the blackcountry. Blue thunder and lightening bolts, strange fruits and panthers sing me into being, hip hopping the Bardo, trip hopping through lyf's brambles, toxic streams and worcestershire rambyling sauce. Sleeper-Nature maybe emptyness, the natural state. ©hristmas? ©hristmas could not apply to propositions. Only propositions or propositional functions in a logic refer to propositions. immaculate. River wake urinal Bridge - Next typeface of Bob Rainwashington: "i've just swam back from four years on the run from the Sun, i swim the line, and hang to dry, if i ain't Swimming i'm, lost, screwing or Flying high. Keep the tax lower. Go slower. Think faster.

Help the River flower Ackrillocrakakrash Saint kennelms tree, on fire. Blue thunder makes magic water magic spring sprung Abha na Lifé happy sauce, Conducted molecules rise between the staffs and worcestershire beacons, Sourshirebourne to the north of the bent hills. A commotion of running River people and onward. To specific oconee Pacific. Struggle from Saint Kennelms, alesewin, cradle earth, past mushroom green, what a commotion, uproar of Lions in Towage, woids lye. inver cool winding bubbling kookily, uproar Woolverlei, Locomotion of River lotion, sour potion to Buddhaminster driving storm to stourport, on to where she diffuses into seven.

Nutty seven headwaters Wynding muttering seven their wise acroxx open countrysyd states, wards and parish landscapes flowing on, downhill and perpendickular to the elevation curve of her bed. Fionn-weegee, meaning clear water; legs it from the church. Towards Halesewing Cradle Environs, a hammock. Slowly browning herself all whisky washy with local industray poisons. Sediment from governmental Sewage seeps in through Banks. Struggle from Saint Kennelms, alesowen, cradle heath, Armed conflict, commotion, uproar of Lions in Tao-wedge, weirdsly. Kniver cool, winding bubbling kookily, uproar Woolverlei, Locomotion of River lotion, sour potion to Buddhaminster, A driving storm to Ourport, where she diffuses into seven. Got any young fresh rusty salmon-pate in Tesgo.

Swimming the sour to Buddhaminster, home of "should i smoke dope" Nicky Taylor. Trying to get home, dying to get back to Kennelms. Swallowed a Goldim key, on the way in kookily near kinvercool Missed a hook and jumped a lock, a lucky swim up 12 loqc', a salmon fox, cunning red fish. Conceived by word-sly, born in kiddamunster with the wild Woolverlei pack. Destined for Hallsoween with my next of Kinder, Slyvebour Roman types and consercratic un-conservationalists lye.

The Rivers and canals carry our rafts, poems, boats and exchange goods, often for export that have fed our children. Through the Ourportsmouth spewed into seven. Swirly shiridge mixed up county borders, How can the water be identifiable if it its flowing, and then re-raining? Puddle in Dudley half hour from Sour. Their water-chatter follows the course of the River, windinglogic. 111 children ➚ and former lovers, miners and navvies. Remembering damselves meandering through lye, muddy with a cats rations for all 6 of the family. cut up with poverty Swervedriving through brandy wyne Bridge and the lions commotion. From witches ringaroad to Lions roar, by Jove to the occeeon. Teaming with memories of a future meeting with the other seven she floods through adversity, swelling River from heaven. Chicane. Offshore. Twenty five miles from church springs flow her waterwor.

Kings, converge with the seven sisters; Afon Hafren. ButterFlying together down Rivers: ArunOrwellSwerve Eden'Erewash ➘ ChurnColeShuttle, Windrush, Stour, AvonTrent ThamesLooeBurn, AlphinBrookBatherm, MadfordOtter, PiddleAxe, Bourneitchen, ➚ CuckmerePool, quaggy, ➘ BrentmoleWye, EastWestStour, Great sewage up the coast. The cost of sea trade. The coast of industry. Sea of dreams of rivers.

Stour, little Stour, Hart, Og, Pang, Broadwater, Yox, Waveney, Ant, Eye brook, idle, Amber, Manifold, Sheaf, Holme, Wharfe, Ure, Tyne, Wear, Tweed, Sprint, Yarrow, Weaver, Dean, Dee, Ogwen, Ogmore, Rhymney, Ebbw, Lugg, Arrow, Frome, and so on and so forth. What has shopping ever done for us? can we buy the Rivers? How do Rivers represent themselves, so ourselves, to the humans? Flood our way into parliament? How can they own the wetness and sparkle of our name? Who is my accountant today, who owns my stocks and River bonds? Why oh why, when we have happily taken away waste freely for ages, mistreated, polluted, diverted?

Congregational Waltz's with Amazon, Euphrates, Zambezi, Tigris, Liffey, Jordon, Danube, Mississippi, Tonegawa, indus, Seine, Ganges, Nile, Yangtze, Rio Grande, Salween, Colorado, Orinoco, Peace, Don, Xi Jiang, Ob, Yellow, Amur, Congo, Mekong, Niger, Thames, Purus, Hudson, Magdalena, Mersey, Meuse, Rhine, Shinano-gawa, Volga and the Milky way have resulted in these three words to sum up your kind. "Off your trolly." Unique skills and rainbow spills from these gills, deliver thrills to fight ills of chilled paradox. The illness of iSNESS. Spreading the word like it was going out of fashion. Metallic teeth cutting through a social pie chart, full of images, jam sandwhiches. Archetecture and surreal art, the realist keeping it unreeled, spectacles. Skinned and toasted, reroasted and plastered about streets in fleeting paint based vehicles. Snakes in the grass. Snakes in the pond, loud green, yellow and covered in scales.

Tea-ching your children well that Rivers, lakes, canals, streams, wells maybe deeply sacred. Reflective, handy rural toilets for idiots. Bleach your children and play them Nirvana. Show that the reflection in the clear water of rivers and lakes tell us of past events and past tribal memories. But only if you want to. Hey King! Hey, When was the last River named? Where are the river shepards dude? Your Lions and big cats and leopards and Unicorns are nearly all gone, only Unicorns left on wild earth. Big cats. Shit big. Meow. Our Rivers need attention and better description. Please loose the word agency from Environment Agency. It sounds like a new age spy ring. The waterlogic of Listening. Waterfalls into an Urban Renewal Project called Riverrunning.

Pest [Lazarusty hinges creek] i went to see the River women, she was with illness. i Knelt down among the brambles, and had a swill. Baba G! i cried, My eyes croxxed to lye, purple bruises emerged on my thigh, no wonder she was ill, toxic waste pumped into her bloodline, Poor grandma, poor grandmothering River. Poor Doctor Leary. Poor Earth. in the name of industree, and faith based profits. The market heist. The water 2 webjob!. Listen. YU learn't to edit? Wee teach your children that Rivers and canals lakes and natural rainbow springs become our Thothers and sisters, in some sense, who made us in some sense, sustained humanity on every continent since before time, before any backword crapword religion of society of sewage, before men were rivers. Have some respect for what came first. Give Rivers the kindness you would give a good porno movie or y❍ur new car, Ad finitum. Irises Osiriuses.

Swimming in the Black Country, not to get lean or clean but to be seen and to shine, Glisten and sparkle underneath the water, to escape the political sew(age) upon us. Try Swimming sometime, it may help wash away the rhetoric, nothing to say, i swim. READ MY SWIMAGIC TRACY. While Swimming at Brierlay hill baths consider the facts of imperial slang-wages and poverty that has often descended upon the good Black C❍untry folk. Remember the mass murderer called the Earl of Dudley. Remeber kids who worked down mines for on 2d to keep their family alive in 1776? 1776 the first starport "locks" were constructed by navvies. Dogisturber buried the keys to nine lookgates in the hills. Twelve locks and 24 licks at docking house on the starport. Swimming the nine locks watch my hands cut into the Beyond the cut, sharp as nails Swimming in chains up to Brierlay Hill, Upstream like an old salmon-man Swimming one last time before they shut this luverly aqua mine. i proposed an idea to paint the pool not drain the pool you fools. Paper boats, cast your votes, streaming waterlogic wind-tao paths Pool resauces. Grown-up. Bobbing up and down, in a watery womb, born into a dry lye i wonder - whatever happened to the liquid waterworld experience from our childbirth. i need a water womb to bath my troubled dΩme, Swimming the merciless"

Mark my spitz. Let us play our daily read, weekly remix, monthly mash up. Enjoy our daily head, forgive loaves and those who trespass by the Bayou, our daily Arthur slaughtered drawn and hung on Holy-wood. How would Fellini make Excalibur? and lead us into temple-tation, the flower and the story, for timelessness, hairy men. A man dies leaving his possessions behind, furniture, houses, and all sorts of junk. Visions of 'this or that' as mine, die with mind, even the memories preserved in your trunk. Public and personal traces show in the rainbow mind and bluegreen body and the technicolor speech that incarnates through a peach pair of Polly Princesses dainty panties; though, to disappear completely and neatly like snow you must follow your thoughts, ask, where do they reach? Into my boxer shorts? Watch as your body turns to very fine particles vibrating thought space, where do they go? Witness yourself moving within spacetime vermeericles, what happened to ownerships, where does it show? imagine your thoughts flowing out into stars, we're a worldwide gno-galaxy, Eternities Tours.

Tribetables on rotation autofac'ing themselves into elf chemists, spinning disqs so quickenberry that the M❍❍n will soon calculate the phase of the groom-to-come, and plotted his Sun -spotty cyclopaths to planutty earth. She will release the mass hypnotized children from the chains of education. Revolution and rebirth in platter-fodder and spinning calendars for starter menu-motors. Cal ender to signify the end of time as we knew her and the bughinnis of the woid as we once Knu her; deep dark rich argarik stalk creamy milk like-minded cyclop-sided pint of view. Phew, the buguinness of relativity in Fly style bonn potree, spirituality and gravity games, sucking ink from the nozzle of Ezra and the nuzzle of Dada down onto this page: a grit uniflyed reality gauge that reeds reeds. Such Reeds to drink grey-grape timewine and chat withb Einstein. Zeroine-Spirit Levels in my soupergalactic mothers milky way-out prattle mind, i rattle blind and just keep glooing. Cutting Hash and paste to make haste, writing seems not to be a race to me today in Amsterdam.

B-Type A Quickenberry aziff' i just ate the fast supper and so throw up at the seed of light. Gravity pulling my mind around a plugged whole, each sentence balanced against literatures cheque book protected by a black leather case about the size of a kipper. Better beat box your way out of alphabetic spells, better rap yourself out of the 21st century box and onto your desktop, maybe breakdance your way into the new school, breakdance along the corridoors and into the principles office, breakdance throughout detenxion. i have told my teachers that my Termteabells twisted jamselves into burt tales, table runts, battle runs and a tablet urn, dec❁de and learn electron spin resonance and the twel.eve tone scale and that nature seems to grow in a 3, 5, 8, 13 type pattern, bootstrapping hersleaf and seeming to express biological expun stencilency, your excellency your honor i bring news of 78 cards spit in half to make make 39 vinyl records, each side plays the particular phase of this project realized and actualized in the future. flip i a disc and then interact with the software.

When is a tale knot a tail whenas tall story (a wet riddle from this fiddle at the jig of the jive.” Levitating 3 ft above the audience nineshine like radiant bouncing suns: light maze figurines juiced in the chronic of time triggers. Yin noh-time at all. In the mind in this truck tribal. Knu Stylus brushnozzle spurting clouds of mymist! Make any doorway device into the province of the mind their can be no limits, no no nono no no nono and any limits you DO find are to be transcended.

Nik transcends the calendar and dictionary to reach beyonder Aeons and Empires, a.l.phabetz and neurological maps and metaphors. On into a mixtape mash up, Termteabelling Pooka polka and doggy blog step from Sirius. Sounds funny but when you see the Eye Discs and experience shots. Whizzbong. When you spin them on their tribetable axis and gain access to the omniverse, the infinite flux of being and the only extraterrestrial thingymajik device to be born from a ghetto hip hop culture and thats why i imagine and write my best ideas and post them and re:roast them for everybody to sear. if its not for you then its not for me. Call that the first rule of magik, what you put in you get out thrice fold.

Slymming in my pulpit, moving through a medium - water - well efficiently considering my current incarnation, i find it funny that Flying has not been mastered by human beings yet, sky diving becomes Flydiving and i dive into vinyl grooves like Luke Sky-walker, the Death star has grooves which permeate its entire surface and luckily Obe one kin gnome bee' passed along the secret death star plans to me at Studio Z in San Francisco a few years ago, so now i know about the so called secret grooves upon the surface of reality.

Ego Stylus and hardware reality reads the environmental software coordinates from nature, but has temporarily began to ignore the true organic nature signals sent from Animals, Trees, Plants and Drugs in favour of symb❁l systems, lungwajs and mind control c❁des. Everything maybe awareness and emptyness. Everyware. All symbol systems condensed and correlated in an old rusty storehouse of information by paranoid proto-humans who were probably afraid of loosing the facility of thought, noeticsport Freshnile enlightenment, no oral tradition, instead a hot noggin alphabet culture, parawoid poesy peeps, you can bet your life a horse with a mustache and my wife that 'POWER' is often wielded by those who claim control of the symbol systems, its meanings at any fixed moment in time, usually fixed by law [a non-relative spacetime device used to enslave poetic transcendent diamond vehicles into patriotic heads of STATES of social mind. Old boys and their Big Heads.] A magical memory palace--Alice Wondertrane wondering around John's "giant steps" maze, somehow translated from moosick into an arkytekcha.

Puzzle-maze. Amazing how governments lie and bosses too and how schools, universities and institutions don't want you learning semiotics or Korzybski's semantics because with ironick prose logik and the New anti-science of Hip Slopamantic equasive expressive excessive crunkl funkl juice the children turned loose. And with intoxicated lungwaj YOU can school school teachers. Make calculations and tea-ching models, and then feedback to the student, how long in 2❍❍8 for a web surfing stoner to visit Wikipedia and put at least eight alternative models and metaphors in front of both the teacher and the preacher?

Power to the people, to the people a working class biro is something to buy, give peace a dance, i am the Walrus etc. On the River flows. The education system must turn its gaze to the Telepathic internet, and globull shit. Free tea-ching all together. Stuck together like goat plop. Teach Temporary Autonomous Permakulture dancing, the new science of Hip Hop, musick and poetry. Mudapplication in the Taj Ma-garden with Apples and stems and roots and fruits and vegetables, timetables made from vegetables, math and biology literally iN THE "unified" FiELD. growing up. Growing sup.

Say the wake each day, represent daily experience; shits and all. And my run-of-the-mill reality. My milling wheel which once ground corn to make bread and flour by the hour has been turned over and reconfigured to read circle maps and seal calendars. Nowadays when the wind blows she catches her own sister with her wings and translates special relativistic gail O' blustery forces, forces for courses, prose logik turntablist divinatory practice. A revolutionary woid process to bring whole loaves of organic local Golden produce.

Approximately one dozen dogchin souper manyfolded rolled compressed nice like caramello and pitch shifted "hemp" records. M-Theory screenplay. A pack of records works like a regular divinatory method by synthesizing symbolic systems from many cultures and peoples from around the world, paying special tension to ideographic cypher, condensed poetic nature blueprints, biological isomorphic lungwajs, Animal/insectosonic systems of teletelecommunication, seasonal calendars, Sun dials, Moon charts, astrological houses, Sun spot cycle maps, galactic time pieces and tribetabullizm. Do you feel my freestyle go sour on the hour when i get serious about my bizzness and about this timespace transcendence of the Toad stool gods, i forgot about Me illi figa on my pedals-tool. I'm tellin' all my friends, I'm no longer fattening frogs for snakes said Sonny Boy & Prof. John Sinclair.

“That I had intention of going to Amsterdam no arguments but force respected in Europe… to show U.S the importance of an early attention to language for ascertaining the language.

CHING MING (Ideogram by fly)...

“Whether Sir Jo. Yorke after 20 years residence is ignorant of the Dutch constitution or is merely insulting Burgomasters of Amsterdam are one integral branch of the sovereignty…and disliking the Prenshe’ they familiarized to call England the natural ally” Ira Pod, Dantales LXVII

10.00 A.M 27:7:99 Way out at sea upon a raft with several familiar people. Drifting seemingly endlessly on the ocean currents for days, weeks? then we reach what appears to be Egypt, surrounded by pyramids, yet these were surrounded by water much like the river ways of Venice or Amsterdam. in a huge marble house with gorgeous ancient looking decorations and architecture. i'm now made aware that a game has just commenced and i'm now in another much smaller room with some more familiar looking people who were busy creating tasks and tests for me to engage in. The immediate environment begins to morph' and change, shapes and obstacles form, encouraging me to move with them, to their form and through them, hoops, oblong blocks and long thin sugar cane shaped structures. i felt pressure to complete these tasks quickly, rising faster and faster the shapes were emerging like a Movie now. i was holding luminous glow sticks and started planting them in the green square shaped foot mats by all the other people in the room. i was fully aware of having just eight minutes to complete this task. Outside nearby in a residential area i was still planting glow sticks which were becoming more dangerous and worrisome each time i dropped one, i felt i was being watched. i ran to a rusty old cattle shed on the perimeter of the city and threw all the glowing rods into the barn. A giant bull emerged from behind the barn, approx. 40 or 50 feet tall. He was huffing and stamping all around me, trying to squish me into the dirt with his massive thunder hoofs. i was attempting to masturbate throughout this crazy stomping routine, a comedy sketch--darting around the farm and the nearby fields trying to avoid the terrible hoofs--while wanking myself off. i ran up a steep bank and found hundreds of people on top watching the entire spectacle.
