Chapter IV.
"Amrita: N U i Th: Nitrogen Uranium iodine (and sea-life) Therium makes a New "random" Atom Atomic No. 93." --Aleister Crowley, 23 August 1945.
Breakfast spun on a Golden moldϒ threaded platter. Saturnalia with a bite of luck. Kung Fu toast and tea and Blueberry muffins. Huλgens probe separates from ©assini Huygens (Christian) Orbiter. 21 day taste trip to Titan. Christmas TSunami eclipsed by probe. Place the needle stylus into the F-ring groove, Wash your hands, Take a fresh shroom and gently twist the Cap off. Place gills down on a sterile card/glass platter. Cover the card with clean container, Leave overnight! Fold the ©hristmass card next morn and keep airtight. Ziplock it, airlocket and good luck. Happy saturnalia. Sporeprints remain good for a year, blueprints maps. New prints ALL CAPS. Tales Tales Tales. ✜ Apple Logic 2.3 tastes strange to me Looks like strange fruit served with Correspun/dance. Alight PUN-danc©e. Didji drivel weather forecasting. Bored network? Forrest television. hello hello. PΩmegranate planets with each byte of luck.

Artemis scaffolded via multitrack audio interface dialects. Why it noise? White noise. Open chowder sauce trickled beyond the boundAries of bowl. The phλsical boundAries of the Donut. The mental boundAries of an octet truffle. The personal bound-Aries of a blow-job from your hot young secretary. Conned shaped concepts to pointed precepts ➘ of subjects and, pre-dated predicates ➚ and Kate's old grammar ↕ Stereoscopic Holographic Prose tools. Listen to me. Forget what you learnt, till your tongues burnt You ain't learnt. Remove the ceiling! escape the house. Tone arm troopers for Revolution routines. The Prose tools spew maybe just fragments. Maybe it's all fragments, Bits, chunks, parts, pieces, as yet unconnected and pre-GUCT. And so Hair Combs Everybody. Amrita and all. All peoples from ALL times ✜ ALL places re:unite. Tonight. in a blue tidal concressence, like a paisley, tie-dyed wave. Vibrational physics maps are still maps. Virtual maps.

INK as hardwar device deployed spilt and deltupun Sammy-circular shemy-attatched shami-holy playing pages. A Seed looping with hands throwing seeds praying for a root for reality totality to come to me. The i-disco joke plays on random. She cutting and scratching samples on Mp3, CD, connected by her broadtoothed magic fairλ god mother. Janet the sister of Ms. Higgs. Feasty boys on this Apple logik pie, sprinkled with amerinita cinnamon girls. Zappa girls. Hot. Hotter. So hot it rebirths again with a Bigger badder BANG. GU©T: to merge gravity situations with the Trinification of (lang)gauge symmetrees into a Grit Unifie(l)d ©oins℗i®acy Theory of Neverytongue. Higher Crane Everywire. Unified. Undefined interknot of tings and bleeps. Popping candy on the tongue. Habitat, seasonal changes, growth, flowering and fruiting. Who cracked the internut?

If you destroy a bridge, be sure you can swim. Killingry helps Humanity go hungry so please man PLEASE stop! No more guns made oh lords. No bombs, No poison gas, stop Manu£acturing it lords. Blow it out your a$$ets motherfucker. No more arms deals, Stop Manu₤acturing it. Your bath of war. Create livingry and justice Be fair! Let us think for ourselves and Question authority with a big "Q" We demand our liberty and freedom! Rats construct urban renewal projects without concrete, electric or petrol, steel, permission or plans only Mud, twigs and rat brain. Across the bank lies the Golden Fleece, two pears a chain and a Bridge The rivière? Silver m❍❍n flash of duck feather or maybe thats a $hopping cart? Orange Feet paddle in luminescent Waste i want to clean up with mushrooms. Future's bright industree Spill-age renewed by an icon for the Gnu-Age. Amphibians crawl into holes to croak their politics.

Lizards and Toads set private banquet meetings in their lair. I'm tellin' all my friends, I'm no longer fattening frogs for snakes. The famous spy-town captured by CC✟V eye-monitor. The records compiled by black technology. Gunmetal grey Pigeons circle the concrete ring-road Saint Johns road. Under the demon pass-age they're pecking at a yellow bag of potato chips. Hold on a sec, my signal comes bufotone! Silver sovereign steel overcome by soft m❍ld. Coke ©oal and black soot of poverty mixed with snot groan house-made stain. Blood on my white hankychief. Rise of the plastic-christi phallosocial machines, as bread doe expands through the vast expanse of my dreams ✴

Ξnvironmental pollyticks ✓ strategically poised by pink bureaucrafts. Rivers reshaped by money engines into shopping quadrant water features. industry meets business industry. One world split like a pea. Big soup. Big Gumbo with red black and yellow spices. in the wind Miss Sutra incarnate dark Afro Oriental South Amazon Λngel amazinn. illuminatus characters leak inn from history through mirrors, Bob's story, your story, our story. The birds sit unmoving on the wooden telegraph pole across the street. i'm hungry, so hungry. Feeling famished out here on a wing and prayer in memory. Living on fresh airs air. Freshly borrowed lunguage fulls of air. Blogject gases. Some stolen books and swindled hardware lies in the dusty tomb next door. Birds sitting on a telegraph pole in nodal points create a picture of twelve notes, a scale, musiq notation, birds notes.

In Northern California two days previously Ted Edwords looked from the moving vantage point of his wife's car, moving through nowness, daydreaming and i'm thinking of you, daydreaming and i'm thinking of you, moving with groan mountints. Whizzing by Ted's thoughts calmly, Paul Stamets calmly tracked his time on the road, two days and four hours, licorice tarmac and yellow stripes stretch along the pathway, melting in the distance, eye-sight breaks down GUCT Fli-sight. Meanwhile in the forground the birds switch and hop between wires, moving notes, birds switching modes. A dance and a melody. Light enters eyeball and on retina symbols form and corresponding footnotes unfold. Sonogram ideogram hologram. Half a gram and a coffee. veryfiable in souper-nature. Eyedeers communicated to the mind in an intuitive, symbolic, imagistic fashion.

“You might want to lick the bottom right-hand corner of page 23. Go ahead, it's alright. No one will ever know." - Paul Krassner

How to represent the invisible hands. How to learn the changes? Ted tells his wife about his vision of Sixty-four hexagrams along with descriptions of ancient paintings. The Book of tribetable EYE Discs maybe nowfore presented ear. You must imagine engine it. Grand Uniflyer wired with D'vines code. in/out with a formatted gloss to engage hemispheres. The years as a greedy temporal Mandollar. Don't joke with a hungry man. A Geometric circular chord chart on a slip mat. Time as hierarch-keys. (Sacral, Sacrificial and Juicy fresh). Timespice in your GUCT. Narrative time cooking itself into poetic timetom (the meter's), spun on my platter axis. Ted was in a hypnotic trance for several hours and continued long disjointed dialogues with his wife. Surf a wave-harmonic of his-story in land to shoreline. Two copies entertwinned with a mixer. Mixed drinks and drugs and media.

Mixing phase Arcana LOUD over the banners Phase, delay, echo-compression, using echolocation and amplitude and attitude to turn Procession Cycles into images of clocks on bicycles. Etch a tree calendar into a picnic table this summer. Back to Life Back to back to life, back to reality. Opoponax on wax, cuts sharp as an axe. Take off your cloths be naked as worms, jump in. NO DiViNG. No running, no petting, no bombing, no pushing and NO PARKING outside the pool. Health and safety signs in Ted's mind read: No embezzling, no in$ider-trading, no cheating, No smoking. No Double standards and double speak. no touching me. "while the human mind is mobile, so long will the definitions of all our terms vary." said A.C.

Swimming my troubles away, drowning each day. Deadley Leisure Services pulled the plug on me at Brierley Hill Baths. Tryed to drain me away. Couldn't wait to close the place and drain the chlorinated water into the local cannal! They wished they washed me away, but what remain seem only words, to describe each stroke and the awful sniff of the mustardy smell of chlorine. A testament to my protest activity in a swimming baths on new years eve 2005-6. Iron lung flutterfly. Pushing from the past, pulling into the future with each stroke i am now a Chinese written character in ink dot-com bubbles. Cage me now. Freestylz ill be the breath of me, all open and stream of consciousness. Λwake. Dreaming Λwake of the woidllness, the muddle way around the midday puddle puzzle.

Miggledy critickle pathway. Born a dragon in 1976 a full 200 years after the proposition was signed by reptiles. Brotherhood and society, idealism and socialism. lemon and lime in my baby cup. Noding, disnoding. Operation desert storm carried out with unsterilized apparatus as i left school in 1991. Me Drunk and shaking like a leaf. At the ℗olice i-disco bumper to bumper. Bundle weeds blow prayer. YOU alone? i hear something else anyhow, a call in the distance, a song, as holy meme cow. Wildstyle. Scales intermezzo-lock with geometric precision, like astrological houses the music unwinds like a waterfall in Brazil, playing to become self actualized. The other voices? Playing out the vision. "i" bow to Tao here and NOW and Zen again agen. Bow to Mind, bow to body, bow to bowow speech to find Ωhm. No place place. Gone gone like AUM. The Tsar must be impeached whispered the lunatic in the street. And he must be fed to his wolf pack. A sea Merchant takes a lung pull on a roll up beneath his red hood, shaggy trousers stem up from out from earth, no boots in sight. Concentric rings of smoke rise from his phone/wand.

The puppet, and the puppeteer. Me and my crew all got a tattoo saying Statutory Apeshit. The nine, know no fear. Hard, tuff, Teeth of George Washington, Hair of Kool Keith. ☏ you might cat shit. With a copper Aura protecting the flora. Kick out the Jams moth flickers. Me and my brothers and sisters worked our selves into blisters for this life and shampoo. Now we bloom. i got the sauce and the verse noodle, the chrome and the curse, make rhyme tints for the review. Ragoo, shows you how to break through, with just a gym shoe and a tube of glue, Ragoo can make do, and now debut to the ground crew the strength of his home brew, ha ha, Ragoo can renew the word, undue the absurd with a pool cue. Maybe Baby Ragoo can see through the untrue and can subdue the political beef stew that threatens you with Minnesota-style decency. Ragoo helps us pull through the intro-verse and traverse the "Universe" (Let me hear the stars) No taboo, all walls to be walked through, use magic fish stew, Oyster stew, Kangaroo + Ostrich stew. Wholly Chao! Wholly Chao! Rag studied in Timbuktu, got mad knowledge in the bag. Travelled to Kalamazoo to learn Kazoo from Master How Tsu Do. Ragoo rhymes like a walking shoe, traveling soul about the world in my black bamboo earrings, reading, writing, daydreaming, sleep-dreaming, pot-smoking, feeding various neighborhood critters, and playing poker. Ragoo the Queen of hearts Ragoo the Joker. Favorite Student. Fun Uncle. Devil's Advocate. Unwilling Recruit. Far-Out Friend. Maddening Boyfriend. Diplomat. Bureaucrat. Dreamer. But Who's Bob Arctor. The Norathor?

Tone's of bluetooth and Delta blues-harp harmonize under a crescent moon, while somewhere above and below Saturn-tables spin spiral theta patterns of Saturns shimmering rings, somewhere out there somebody staves tonight, they starve for the space program. in a Knu social Knittwork we have a crew that never rests. Tuned in here. Be Mime! A harp chord echoes. Saturn, Titan, Ξuropa, Phoebus, Mars, Sirius. The Tao maybe in the Dung" A Telepathic mycophile microcordinating - said Willy the wit of Wordsley, now how about you, are you rolling in it, well are you? rolling? a worthy Chief Commissioner of your dirty most Brown and polluted sewers that sayers this about? Ate all your prayers. So mote it be. With eggs, Tomato and Ravioli. To deceive both myselfishes to deceive you dear reader? Fly - A false etymology. A deceiving beef steak. My gentle loving and patient reindeer. False etymology to cloth you. After TΞA and a little Spanish Fly. Fly tried on lush brushed leather liberty huts. Bruised blue. While on a peaceful myspice quest to discover the DUNG loving phungus. S/HE can be charged with Possession patient reindeer. The AUM seems here now, in the room. ironically, the law it calls possession a lesson in possession of thought speak for thinking about next weeks MiND fungus meeting at London University campus. Legend has it that you call a priest to excorcise a possession. A lesson: Fly maybe poisonous in high doses, maybe psychedelick (or at least deleriant) in small quantities. ☣

The Lunatic in the street bawls a little more loudly - The new inquisition sucks! blood for oil. The passion fruit of the herbalizer. All chemical agents of evolution. Exotic, spliced and fused like eggs and flour. i dedicate this to you, oh cooking bowl. I guess its the hour. The crucible with lashings of lemon-aid, sesame-seed oil, green olives and water, massaged into your OWN temple. Hemple. Message from Titan: MckLuanna LiVia AnnacoΠDΑ. Annacondoor. The sky opens up and Drums bang like drums bang in the busy street, banged by a rogue band of gypsies for tips to get tipsy turvy. Troops out of irag written on my back. And Please donate to help POPE Bob pay his rent. 100'000 beats to 190 beats per minute, moon smiles and carnival, Fat Tuesday dancing as the wildly bright indians dance with ideogramic magic.

Head nods, more smiles. Questions about who the POPE IS? from some very old looking critters with trolleys and creamy brown soft Caps. Good old folks - frowns and stares. Smiles anyways. Entertainment for the cows, interested in high notes. Troops out of iraq. And Afghan. Drug war. Look! See any mushrooms out yet? Take to the streets, leave school and work. Children shattered with rockets that put money in fucking war industry contractors Pockets. And some of our greatest artists are dying, unable to pay their rent. The love we sent. Watered down culture, down into 74'million products and NO ROYALTiES are paying for the general welfare of the worlds greatest bardic gents. Fly Drumming to help pay the Discordian Popes Rent. Drumming up spirits to surprise sleepers for kicks, for Bob and humanity fun in the streets, nine rhymic patterns in nine, 160 BPM. Chasing ghosts down the street. Multiethnic channels of teletelecommunication fasting the speed of sound seeding downtown with uproar. All along the River watchbanktowers. The water's murmur evokes the voice of my father's father.

Wheats the scale of this scribe! “on Reichter scale of the Youniverse-all vibe. All goon! “Time-scales cracking on the lime skin of a Whale in the well of this rhyme. The Jab of the nib. The Jibe! Tip! A Nip from the nib of a badger.” Ninepins rolling a T’ale out of nine planets. Hitching post scripts of spits from where the sun’s stylus comes down to rest on the spat. Nine tailed fox nose snot. Hunting truths with hand plus knife blade voice. Cutting the Jongleur perceptions angular, aerospice bloom in triangular patterns of the vibe sun and moon. The Rivers seem to be our Thothers, they sure do quench my thirst for a metaphoric burst of flux flow and life source. The whole world word wide named after her. Her, SHE, Amstour.

All women, all blue pearl rivers, all goddesses. Yes. wow. Still suffering in the name of progress, polluted by wars. Even today in 2008 i spot shopping trolley remains littering her veins. No crack commando team to remove grandmothers ailments. Does "GoodGod" clean his own Rivers with his almighty weather cycle life cycle. Only natural we shoot our shit into your local waterways. Oh my sweet brandywine lover. And hoily w☠rs pollute the Tigriss. Only logical progress to colonialism that we use "The natural abundance of soaper-nature" for our own, imperial de∜ices. And continue with our divine will to power, and To double product prices. Double product taxes. Water rates, OiY. Stop that tax. Tariff on imagination. Stop the tax. Contributions to clean water solutions come with poisons. Do our Rivers have pensions? i follow your stench along the watchtower, between the banks.

Watching from my Apolination state. Conservativelϒ the mixed sewage reaches Lions largest River, ‘The River Seven,‘ like a slimyspace sausage of golden syrup. I look horrified at the deadly sinns committed by m☢dern industrial industry. But i have my thought on a leesh. Industry up☢n our naturally abundant channels of beauty, to reflect may mean to be speechless. My thought on a leesh. Most eye seer each daydirty, p☢is☣nou$ to humans and ₤ull of shit. My own skewered gobservation mind you. i rest my case at the stourmouth delta, she speaks for herselves.: Gold en-eye appeared coughing up Jamaican flem'. The tiny weenie-wee object said: “Wetleg, urinnavision: my Sunnydelight, urinnavision bong context where urinvention of Liquid lungwaj turns into runnaway success ripples in a pond, eye Understond; your bodily fluid dynamics have sprung a leak.” The Golden one €yed snake continued – “yourine sample flooded our Urinverse, stop Pissin about and go sear a therapisst.

Look after yourine self OK.” Dripping on seeds during conversation with Golden flow, i said: "i'm a Goldonny chile of torrential water slides, upward fountain of youth; brainwashed by Urine Godziller X-streaming symphonies of Piss Orchestras, Loud special firewire brews of moist Media, through vine.✆ 1984 Wet wear, microchipped passports, trickle treats whizz, wee, Wazz, wet, WaVe, water, wash, wake, wripples. W = World word Psst. The shining water that moves in the streams and Rivers. Maybe not just water. No. But the blood of our ancestors. All ours. i graduated from college with ⁵ A's, ⁵ E's, ² G's, and some K. Blow Stellar regions through your Reedles, this cartridge requires no needles. Only a thought mixed with psalmonds.

Sunstar groove rider. Passion flewer-powered for balance. Precession-guided weapuns of loaf dissolve. Pharomba made of a ether substance. Music as real as music. To Shimmer you, Shiva your inner timbers and then who’s army? Onword to the end of the beginning. Welcome to the Afterfuture. Lift the curse with verse. From your pursuance of Ancient sounds. Your Revolution. Wallis Budge over and let jimmi take over. Jimi jewels of love Juice. The Punch of Jimi's AUM. Gods and dogs talk in CGi animations about Emerald ballets of pure loving. Sex and Ballet waltzing. Make your tongue spit speckled polk dots. Do it for mother of Qool. Rewind yourself for the unwind. 23-12-2003 08:37 P.M Love Supreme theory of Egyptian hyroghettofiction. infinity so listen. Ambient sounds like sacred sentences when tuned in. Miles beyond. Train your self to listen again. Re-aim yourself for the trane-sition. Stellar Regions. Take a Holiday to Cairo, Kathmandu, Chicago and Paris. Take a dead Joplin to Giza. Take it easy Giza. The pyramiddle Earth. We take em easy Star! Aum-Allah Bama. Aum Christ. Aum Buddha. Aum Shiva. Haiwass KA A.A! indialivia Elfinn Johnzinn Elevation Zazen. Pyramids been Capped by ladies in capes. X-women. As we Approach the i-Ching hour of Transformation after tranfoamouthsun. United we Break calendrical spelling. Dream-casting wisdom through musiq. Kicking drums. X Zeus Androlickle was hung on a gate by rusty nails and this still fails to stop TSOG who burned and banned Brunolan making the "Right" choice, This spate of imperialist date rape. Escape the ape body and head for the stars. Past Mars. Where Jukeboxes play cuts of Sun-Ra's ESP disqs. Rejoice (Whispering) Hush. Hush Bush, hush now baby get your milk and suck. Love will find its way into your guts, your liver and kidneys. Hush Bush by loving his tongue. Bite it. Don’t you cry now. its just a meme to an end. its ending. Meditate. Heliopolitan Coke-Nine cartels and powder supreme.

Although the snake does not fly it has caught the bird whose home is in the sky. Meanwhile thrift store Pharmacia services for most U.S people, its Bloody Luna-sea to me. Knives out! So Dj Eye Rock Rack up Stargate coordinates ↑ with Seals and some Leaks bleeding, and "i" piss on Christs leg from behind him on the dance floor. Better wear a peg on your nose as sewage age concern flows free through a Time Crack. Time is a river of passing events--interactive processing--a rushing torrent. Look at Mirror leak vegetable television tonight and watch yourself cracking up in a chair. A jolly great ocean Pissmiss holyday. Drink IZIPHO ZAM. Earth probing machines probe upon "Oil" wells, shafting Gaia. Drilling in broad daylight. Stop. Look. Thief. Stop Chief. Stop. Look. Rape. Cold Murder!

How far do our governments Dicks have to be up our arses until we get GUCT? Awakening! GUCT! Hey moma i hear a new World Coming, around the corner, i see its whiskers, from a far off land it came, its here. Yin the Buginning was the Bird of the Nile, and the Bird was made Fish. Mid-Knight Ultra Horus chorus of clocks. Love: a simple way to save our Children. Jobs at the mall and electronic candy seem handy for randy bosses and power hungry ghostmen. Electronic candy cast into the dance by some remote Tandy store worker from Brum. The Western Lands and take off skyward like a can of Tango. To GO. Ascending. Chrust Crystal at the Controls. Ship made of Snakebricks and apple skin. Magdalene sits on the edge of the sword greasing her marbles.Drink my Sun, drink and be merrymounted, Drink the special filter Naga larger; Rudolphs finest since 23’000 B.C (Before Cronenburg, before Coltrane ) Santa pours old grandads p2pee into pint glasses, Viagra falls of dyed orange cliffwash Ruddy brew my mind, phoamenomenal for looking back and forward. Urineluck. Stick with me now. Sea-wee’d ideas floating around like sewage in Santa's ole’ Tea bag. Real Royal logic. Snort for oil. Realy royal tea maybe piss infused."Laffin all about time she muttered "Rival running overflowin “to-i-let” tracks Stained Golden fleeced string yellow nuclear force furnace. Searching for Equalibrium takin a whazz Sample on vinyl i'm lost somewhere in all that jizzle jazzle pearl mist sister blues. Somewhere in a West coastal urinal.

Sit on the bank of a river and wait: Your enemy's corpse will soon float by. Urinka! i remeber it was the 31st of October, Eye woz Drainin the Lizard drizzla after drinkin the amber nectar. Now i recal making a sure-shank redemption to Sun gods gods of the Guildead Lawn Tennis Asscoiation. Lost my mind and left it, all 12 inches ontop of the bog." "Kiss the beach urinovation. Ready. Aim. Fire in the water! up to your neck in it. Water ship down the James Leg, dribbla. i should have remebered not to whistle. Tellin tale to the whole urinverse, Beware the piss police mindyou. Among uver tangs, Leonido Du Vinshe devil wrote about flow River water, and how flow zeffected flow. By various obstacles in yer' orse row'd tao piths. Who issues it, how? Rekkids set crooked. War and Piss in the streets. Oh Yeah! All wee are saying is just maybe please give peace a chance again. Dance. Drink Sun. And peace 2 ye. Pace 2 yer 2008. Never mind the terrorpuss gush and true lies. Surf the severn bore awake to another gnu-galaxy. Oh my gush i just missed again, weed on the bog floor. Typhoonian pee, i wish the Piss police wd/ get sucked up into a giant water spout. River running clean and free out to the salty ocean on a tranquil amber evening Sunset, And With a Golden Sun set, and a Golden backdrip. Strips of bright blotted Sunlight. Sitting with tea reading Fly Agaric Motifs in the Cú Chulaind Myth Cycle. Breaking down chemical warfare agents possessed by totalitarian lunatics. Mycofiltration. Mycopoetics. Come on now, we have the technology ☂

You know what the Englishman's idea of compromise is? He says, some people say there is a God. Some people say there is no God. The truth probably lies somewhere between these two statements. --W. B Yeats.

DREAM #4. (Dream Time Unknown) 8:12:99 Inside the glorious Temple Hotel at some remote location, somewhere, opposite a long golden-grain beach, Amy was seducing my body and soul very slowly and very sensually, whispers and delicate touching in every conceivable place on my body and around about the hotel. The walls were glowing with light corral pink, floors and walls with pale lime and sky blue gushing. I remember suddenly hearing the news of the biggest storm mankind had ever known before about to strike somewhere. i realized that i was in Australia. i could see a satellite image of some enormous object just off the coast, growing bigger and bigger like a water mark on rice paper.
