WeiRD PUSS. CHAPTER 3. Verse Hatch Buck Cuntree.

"History is not a dream from which i am trying to awake." --Ezra Pound

Chapter III.
Thus a nerve, a wire, a roadway, and a clearing-house are only varying channels which communication forces for itself. --Ernest Fenollosa
Fli CAL. Book. Sight. TUNES. Photo. Disc. ℗OD. Who am i fooling? what do i desire to say? to inspire replay. I'm tellin' all my friends, I'm no longer fattening frogs for snakes? My Rising Sign is in 03 Degrees Virgo. Enough? i'm doing this for trees. My Sun is in 25 Degrees Aries. Wedging my lungs to fight the truth disease. Saturn is in 26 Degrees Cancer. Medicinal discussion seeds take flight on the breeze. Pluto is in 09 Degrees Libra. Collective writing to stop protagonists fighting. N. Node is in 12 Degrees Scorpio. Peace yes, that's enlightening. illuminatus! Raps for peace, many models chiascoro. Pluto is in 09 Degrees Libra. Thunder Claps Vico and voice everywhere. Neptune seems to be in 13 Degrees Sagittarius.

The difference between my sun and moon signs as they apply to my chart and my life are best seen through the lens of a game of cricket. My sun sign Aries is the British bowler and dirty spinner of light. A pushy, almost pompous fast bowler. Sidney-sunshine throws light with a sense of direction and purpose, majestic, slicker than a West Indian Tom Selick. It seems the balls of sun light are splitting their seams on the journey. Off, towards the moon in scorpio. The champion bowler shines the ball on his strawberry cheesecake pants, and as leader of the team manages to re-compose quickly after a terrible no-ball to take a wicket with a last minute intuitive air-head pitch. The reflective moon-batsman Bill Bailley either rebounds the suns light up and out for a six or gets stumped out by the bowlers superious tricks. Often swinging furiously at the air. At this point an unexpected comet shower interrupted play so the sun and moon hung out with the cricket ALL stars; admiring the playing field and all the previous inter-planetary cricket plays, outlined in red, blue, green, black and yellow cutting edges. The difference? The four legged English fast bowling sheep known as Airy Outfield has 720 spin.

Mythological companies of thirteen. When confrontation exploded western civilization imploded, on that day in NYC when the unknown terrorists struck confrontation Magazine and turned their files on the illuminati into fragments, incomplete all out of order in chaotic bits, chips, pieces. Me now 31 years later, sittin' rubbing my wrists in front of OSX. Mind rejects non-tangible objets such as Saint Sterlings blogjects and fabjects but my hearts infested with silicon dreams makes new cloths with these themes, creams, coffee colored chocolate computers. Venus is in 08 Degrees Aries. Simple like simple grass. Transparent as glass' she said. No wrds, no gas. Methane aen. Jupiter in 04 Degrees Taurus. What remains after flight AA23 to Palm Springs. What springs from the author's palms?

if Santa decided to cash in all his electronic gifts one year and invest in methods to achieve world peace. We might feel it. MissileTOE and wine and Jamineata munchrooms and Coca-©aina' and Rudolph and Santa and juicezeus. Coming together at ©hris✝messy thyme. Shortest day. Marmalade skies. Jayzass Chris✝'s botox. intoxicated insex! Raynbows lead to a gilded Santa Classe. Fountains of Ambereeta. Good Spread peace cheer. Jolly green holly-follybush halos. Greetkings godd-bugs. Manduca quinquemaculata, Musca dΩmestica, Amenanna pantherina, Lasius flavus, Charaxes jasius, Tursiops Truncates: love Christmas. Shy argarik✇ milking love under conifers and Birches with miss' Class. Maybe Rudolph will join our piss up next Christmas time. This time. Within Siberian shamanism it was in good cheer that you drank the Urine of a Ramanita intoxicated Mashohm. ₡hris✞mas time Flies when you navine' pun. Joysus might be considered a conservative drug addicted herbal healer. But no squealer.

Santa ©laus a poet scholar of mythology and sacred timespace. Nice jacket. if their were free peanuts on the bar where Guinness Zeus jr.,used to hang then maybe some punters might have tried his urine. Hidden variable. in small, harmless doses. Jingle bells, minced pie, turkey and stuffing. Truffle skins. Meat shakes and more pie. ©hristmas time seems meaty, white, and very expensive for most households. Jingle Jangle. Have an Olympi© ©o©a ©hris✝mas. Cheerzuss, smoking a phatty riding upon Rudolph the red nose sez "San✝a Class maybe coming, to town" Ear comes Eve's Re:body. Shake it.

Open the discussion. Stop the chatter. Star speaking. Shut up. Speak out. Mercury is in 10 Degrees Taurus. Vaporize your Horizon with a Bubbleator translator. More crystals to take your soul on a further adventure further. Walkin' the earth tasting the turf and turning blue smirf sometimes, just to give birth to something thats worth something. A new thing, cat with two wings. Summert to take my mind off Gun crime and its relationship to poverty of imagination throughout my social conspiracy, this alchemical conurbation. Myrhmetrobulletin Burrough Con.cil to tickle a tonsil or two.

M❂❂n is in 11 Degrees Scorpee "O". Go Chanting in caves and chambers up out the star shaft, ejectulating spores. A pirate in the hall of records records copied onto fli pod. See her wearing flared chords with Daisies embroidered on them, full Zodiac on the hem. A gulp and she's off, taking flight in a meteorite she's hard Spore drunken chaotic, like a Japanese man, and a Chinese man and a druid talking about quantum physics disperseed at Ten Thousand miles per seconda. Defender of true Filth. A spore landed in New York, London and the Europe. Limping like quazzimondo with a giant sack of red froth on my back a terrible sight after drinking con. sap. The frontline of the/and physics of time on a timetable termtumble. 2 hands on the face of space. Time c❁ded vinyl interfarce.

The Grit hall of records looted, Dear Lourd. The gods all packed and stacked as 45's i wonder? Eye dreamt about a blue one-legged thunder bolt, like 108 Coltrane tunes ascending through time from 1967! around June in 1967! Six days. War: Plunder of nature. Yet Sun Ra you tune in to other worlds truth. You fuel my air powered Aiwass car. Cheers. Sun of a Knew Biz. Ain't nobodies business, dripping in Afro Blue honey colored beads. Razor prose from the Crescent city filled me with joi. Living American indian in a gumbo with cajun spices, the funk, and now harmolodic. After the rain falls you can hear the Future in the Trane calls. inside a sentimental moog tube. Rolled up glyphs in cryptic splyffs and sparked up the Golden lump of love - Charas O Sir, Sirius seems tasty. Ayahuasca you may ask her these many strange questions of Coltrane dreams. Humanity nature’s boy? Place the eye of Horus on the Rekkid. Nod your Nut in Prestige. Ohm. Aum. The Punch. Sheets of sound yes. Shake your booty side to side like your Jabba the Hut. Cut 'n Scratch the pockets of imagination in your trousers. Above sepharik hyperlight particles. 13 Moon tribetables turning to Sunny sister bliss to help heal yourself. Melody runs between the legs of Nuit to a beat of acknowledgmint. Sun star-satellite shine all Nuit. Sun spelled RAMMZEUS. Awaken. ✌

Tables of Curryspundsundays waltzing AmpliFlying Amplifiction. Hieroghettofication said Part 2. To make bandwidth pregnant with novel tea. Tribetables. Beer comes eves:re:body. Bee'ear NOW! Revolutionary Fli-Disc Jockey horse play. Blending reality with Manure, whisking up mythology and horse shit into gods ice scream pharmacy. Better make profit out of manure than losses with muskaria. Apple Logik Reason & Prose tools. Penrose tools. A pommigram. Wading through a quagmire of ignorance. fli-sight Plug outs. Bug outs biguinness. Pull up thy vanity. Oh like shit you are! lightening bolt one leg just run off with my stunk-footnotes while a blue blooded psycho©lops just stole my stereo equipment from right in front of my nose. 12" singles spun off into space, cliche background ambient history unfolding like petals, Scratching details, itching variables, rubbing changeable syllables. flipped buqs flipped flop Fly-Discs, spun records. Elbotenic acidjazz. Deep within the heart of Jungleheart. Chitwan. Loud dubbleDub plate vinyl slang. Amplifiction. Recip2p.maps + puzzle + song carved into the runoff matri[X] Thus was it in time Tribetablist Kallendeerest and lungwaj construction tools.

Future therapy for westurnisms gone wyld. Billy Pilgrim has become stuck in time. Again. Look at the track titles to a mix, smashup microformats turn on slip mats. Tapetime take it. Armed with Sleeve artwork to mark. Scribetablet ork-castration of the 20 amino acid guides, Life. Microphilm lines linking linguistic recipes together. Counter acting Link rot. Fill your GUCT. Lets eat. lets beat. Still stumblyn around the writers block. See the Spray Can as computer Mouse Brush to edit city programming. Visual signifier of house. [pack, house, set, series, rules, game] ideogramicro-flash transdicer to bust an industrial ulcer human nervous-system goes solar. it unifies each generation into a single irreducible representation. Greeting Grandmother Goddess GaCia. She Listens to me drawl dew on HER Grand Orient Hodge-oak leaf, my runny nose pours emerald lozenge goop, snotfalls Tin flash dazzlehopper. Sign lungwaj$ of our times-tables always turning terms. Now and then versinging, dancing the kung-fu prose from my red nose, day2day dribble and tears. She SPEAKS of Sparkes. Audio intoxicated EVOLOTiON. The rave. Let us dance. Not take crap from anybody. Cut and Skratch at history to find biosemiotics.

"Like Joyce, Vico believed that poetry arose out of creative etymology ("incorrect etymology," in Academese). Like Joyce - and also Whorf and Korzybski - Vico believed in a radical change in language could alter our percieved reality tunnels. - Robert Anton Wilson.
The willows darken on the River ΞmbΔnkment, At this time i confused and little bewildered. Urcrillick. Pilgarlic ich, Cannabis metempsychophysician. JAMSterdamanita sporebank rubber stamp sticker. Slacker. Word world bender. Channel swim crossing contender for 2008. Mid moi 2007 and 2006 i of nearly 7 Billion critters got over the jitters. Bottom of the food chain, shaky composting culture. Microphone-mycofiltration. Fly-Disc jiggy horseplayer. Worldwide species distribution for over 10'000 years! i grow on Manure. in your shop, under the floorboards, in your dumpster most likely. Fungus containing gossip. i gloss it. LP sync it. Grow on shit and come in peace. Moisture Prophet. Sun light and cloud coding birth me when you look again. Ground Uniflyed Television, kill it. Muscaria connects with chemicals Telepathically. Even Botox. Muscartinic receptors connect pharmacology and me. Steϒ The connection of natures chemical bonds now collaborative T❍❍LS ➚

Electronic signals stimulated like a clit. Bit after bit after bit. Pheremone phones ringaring December 2012. Millions of species of fungi on line. On-line. Haha. Sinkerfoot. Less in nature named the better. Spreads the holocrillic meme like butter. A new species gains recognition in names. Woird up. Up like little grains knotted into earth under heaven and turf. Name "it' claim it. Often all but exstinct in our everyday surroundings. Man bites dog, man sees horse, man sees horse again. Horsefly bites man. Subject and predicate can be reversed. ®e-versed. Liberty Capital Mount. Mushroom internet "ΘN" since 200'000 B.C. Always "ON" And before that. Unamed untamed, now growing under an old englishmans armpits. Spores passed through time into fruiting bodies. Compared with an apple, liberty Caps shaped like the nasty Nukes of a hijacked Apollo god. Tiny yet powerfully transformative in the mind/body of a Human host, the mushroom sees the man seeing.

Eh? What you saying? "Every human partnership should have only one child. Thus we save the planet from over population. Mushrααm eats manskind with relish. Computers mushrooming! Like Marxism. When we met i could only taste the buckwheat pancakes darling. You displayed agility within the pool. And upon bicycle! i am sorry you missed that summer holiday so long ago while in caster plast. ignorance ig my miggle name, and i take the blame. Light it and banish with flame. My fire burns, your waters shimmer burns me deeper. To sleeper. I am hair with you! You teach us…methodically. U Tortoise. Humming bolt birds blue dragon Flies mosque eaters, man eaters and flesh nibble creek surf cobble stone mushy pea muss. Emerald fur growing yes. Trees for days, pine and ever and evergreen Mountain.

It is no good going to the river just wanting to catch a fish; you have to take a webnet as well. Toad Fool. Future Kicker-Stool. Riding through the white snow on his birch sleigh, whip strike with a snap ouch! on Rudolphs balls or else it, dear reader it might take yonks over past-ages to deliver all these "presents" as fast pack-ages. Unless he could "stop" time. Unlikely. Track ages. Wee three kings, drinking amber nectar. Give some to the kid. Drunk at birth. SΩma brings the year, calandeer break out of cages. Blue sky ceilings. Merry ©hristmess Grandfather time. I'm tellin' all my friends, I'm no longer fattening frogs for snakes' S/he bleeds blue Applesauce. Her blood sews on seedbanks on riverbanks which spark riddles in rivers.

Sonic army. Yeah a guitar Army of Moonchild Arkestars. Hair Combs Everybody. Your boy boy. Spill out from Jupiter’s Moon not two moments too soon. Like gods on a safari in an invisible air balloon. Awake with a remix. Zerox. Zeroine pox, catching like fox. Europe a fiction. Novellette. A Love Hate relationship. Empire of meme. Me me me me. Crazy pope, a Czar a Tsar and Zarr. You know you know what wars are. Conflict. Miss-communication. Usury. Black September lies.

Clear out woids often. Cough up your Guct.
Get rid of the words that don't add something to the message>
Europa the planet as spherical melody line.
Tonight of thousandeyes - end-to-end blueberry burners
snakeskin of Northern rain-bowing

Soar on your wings of KadamapΘ. Your friendly neighbourhood flyderman in your world wide weed metempsychosis. Through portals flow immortals out of WindTao’s, wings stretched, swooping rainbow wings singing angel firebirds, Mahavishknu and Airpusher. Flight. Hearth ship conquists of the irrational. Twists international. Blue flower mind-field trips.
Radio provides a speed-up of information that also causes acceleration in other media. It certainly contracts the world to village size and creates insatiable village tastes for gossip, rumor, and personal malice. --Marshal McLuhan

DREAM #3. (Dream Time Unknown) 27:11:99 Strolling through some English countryside or other i see an object coming from the Eastern Horizon, its getting closer and from where i was standing has the appearance of a tidal wave in shape and size, but in actual fact when it gets closer, to my astonishment i discovered that it was in fact a gigantic wall made of thousands of squirrel's, maybe 100's of 1000's all linked together and tumbling over each other in a giant ginger-grey torrent. Then suddenly the whole wall began curling and arching over me making a bridge, like how ants sometimes link together to make a living bridge. Interlinked and mobile. TOADS then came marching across the squirrel bridge constructed over me. I am suddenly time-space transported to some town center in with Mo and Chris holding a bag full of live TOADS. The toads directed me into a huge building with many people coming in and out. i was feeling depressed about living without much money while standing on the street outside a betting shop. Next i'm putting a bet on a horse at the kiosk, a £3.50 on a 5-1. i watched a horse on the screen and soon became overwhelmed with grief about something largely unknown to my memory. I got loud and angry with the barman serving me in the bookies? i began investigating the building and found many other little rooms, basement areas with large movie projector's and multimedia facilities. These room all had wide mysterious walkways up either side of the stage area. The windows had stained glass images of naked human figures mixed in with clothed animal figures. i was amused by this mixture of man and beast. i saw Mat and sat drinking with him, chatting, then a beautiful girl walks up to us both, seemingly out of nowhere. Matt bites her butt cheeks and then he leaves with her with a delighted expression on his face.
