WOnD Piece. CHAPTER 2. Wild Kush breath

Chapter II.

Every concept arises from the equation of unequal things. --Frederich Nietzsche.

Startish off on a syquest voyage to outer-states with a stylish Big Dada Vest on my chest. Prestige. Some simple scrumpaly home-brew and rolling tobacco. TV dreams and school college humor. Now i'm hooked humanitea. Can't seer tomorrow for the light of today today everyday. i eat special cakes that look kinda yellow, pun-cakes. i'm trippin' balls every hour, every day. Hooked on Hallucinogens, sometimes always often got something to say, strange and bent out of context, my adaptation. MywayMywhyMyme: God Doodle Damnbiguation in a Hazelknotshell! Ha! Caption of FW in cap under the sun in river with stone men. i have got the time though if you got the motion.

Always thinking conspiring convexly, always over complexly. My thoughts rise under the shower upstairs, thoughts of €conomic renaissance, how do i get that inn ear? Psychotropicture Analysissis. Who own my thoughts today, since the news changes so often we might all have madatory brain signiture scans within 3 years? But where to bugin? Born in a cross-fire Hurricane. Natural €conomic disorder, aha, yes. Turning trilateral quadruple, naturally. No choice or voice till 16 in 1992. Depreciating currency. Appreciating Hemp script. Fungal script and jungle bug script, dung script flax script all to keep my tongue ripped.


Born into 1976 years of warfare, economic, religious, egocentric. Tripping with Frank Tippler Folly in a triptatknot world unholy, the whole worlds connected in ma' GUCT. i Feel it? Internut of things. Drum beats selected as the only pattern surprise. Mondo surprise shooting out the garage , blue-green bullet of greased speed. Nothing short of time-travel rejected. Cannabis Psychosis, a frozen vehicle. A Word poem apprehended by Metempsychosis. Surely if its all connected we just GO. Blogjects resurrected like Spielburgs E.T in that movie. Baited with hard candy. Baby Ruth for Hellboy. The ©on. wants paper money magic from John Dee all to themselves. Not a love and sharing of their honeynut loops. Not you or me, they want to use us as dupes. Troops. Stooges. Take a bow. Time and time again again. Dealer Mcdope resurrection. Anyway, music business, culture business. Bail out the bully banks. Stay on your toes. $tick your market €conomy up your a$$et$. £√∞ Doodle. Reach out for Trane's Giant Steps.

Its not at the turntable but in prison that you learn who your true friends are. Lots of dope in my sound system. Cracked out the Cookoos nest in my superstring vest under silver hazemoon, heading Weast into the dark nights citadel temple (Chief!) to take part in the acid test 2.0. 2.0. Crawled with the grey worms in their portals. Turning the soil into oil. Living in a Marsh, like tar in my hair, flour and soot mixed into temple towns past past. Walking through the park in the dark with i feel out of place tonight, like a narcotics law enforcement officer at a evolutionary biology lecture. My assimilation with a corporate nation, Capitalist Microphone calling out: Coax. No No No. Surrounded by knotted cables, berry and nutty dream fables. Stuck in my GUCT. A DJ shot high on doodley noodles? insurance for pets but none for Vietnam vets and on with my vomitourettes. Themselves in the melody again waking to this thread; black and white and half read mostly over and over. Bright technicolor model dreams: dreamramblecoat macintosh candy arms, jelly legs, oak moss malting in the Horus blaze of Orange Sun-juice. Threaded with Golden delight, a soft and fluffy jacket of arms.

Hemp. Nip it, slap it like stand up bass. Rhyme in the mud from the forests and the waterfall i rite rota DNA Sono-ropes for Eris, Wholly chao! Nine's crossed. A vine-hole to the grey Year Zero Zeroine. She in the cheese's crystal moon pulling it all in like a blog hole. History, that bloody dictionary of fundamental materialist facts incidentally recorded An ode to Eris for the Nine and for Elvis, the spirit of Rock n' Rolled up gods, full blood Budd, mixed tipsy turvey, little rad writing pad wearing a hood.

Everything and nothing everyware now in a WebdeW 3D spice. Internot of stuff. So lets milk it with the spirit of capitalism and virtual markeTANG. Massage the udder of all cows. Nip it. Everything vanished with timespace varnish. Gone gone gone. Can you sell emptyspace? SKY can! Ephemeral beings of deconstruction perpetually eating our reality. All of it, allmen. Oarmen. The vanity? No authority can contain the water Web 3D coming all over you with its slime and fluffy static. And sΩme bristles and a pink nozzle cap to paint your puzzle black. Nip it. Tuck it. Go ahead punk. Go find you Relative instruments. Who's the author × who's the reader.

Once the last tree is cut and the last river poisoned, you bastards will find you cannot eat your money. Swimming for immortality, vitality and to get laid. The final secret, you gotta eat it. Christmiss is is in this illness of issness that comes from all quarters around Christmas. Sinta Class and His zoo's.

30 Sliced up chunks Follow the stars. Plot Flygunnz resurrection. Mythological Christmoss times. new growth. i often wonder why Gene Zoo's and Santa Class appear together at Christmess time. i can see the devil in the wine. Quoffing scrumpture for his own porpoise. The Porpoise Corpus. Reindeer drinking amber Bliss with Contemplation. Four legs and five kegs - Animals and humans have been getting high on mother natures little helpers since way way before Timtim time ever introduced hims.elf. and the recipie.

Bliss hymn Christmoose timetable fabject' introduce itself as the "daytoday" of the birth of Goods for gods exchange rate' the moose son of god, Hemoose Christ. Four legs and some spicy piss. Three days after the winter solstice Santa Claus began to stop the wars. Angry at B☠sh and the world gangbangers, Santa appears everywhere at once around christmas time like Cliff Richards. But mixed with Kali and some vengeful deities.
Swords and knives sharp as sharks tooth.

Please, do not draw your s'word to kill a fly. Come EverywHere to deliver the "presents" 111 everywhere at once. He-moose the four legged Judge Dread, one blow from his hoof and your dead. Like postman pat. Moose delivers the punch. Purple Spicetied travel punch. Ohm Sporty-Zeus and Muchrooms all congregate around the winter Solstice Cauldron. Witches Cooking potions. The dead come alive at christmas time, celebrations. Christmas time seems to be a great celebration and happy time of year for most people living in inkgland. Jesuspected Santas cause was faith. Bad fairy faith in the religious consumer. Catholic priest's dress in their red/white color scheme, gold Jewls too. Inkland's flag has lost some blues. Snow and Mars. Dove and devils canyon. Christian Slyjackers. i think Gesus and Jon used to get pissed in the Pyramids ale house. Plotting the Lazarus hypothesis with snotty chatter. An Easter uprising Re:resurrection. if you think the world is coming to an end, shut your HELL hole up. Not war. Not conflict, No drama, the cream of mushroom soup curtains are drawing themselves. Lay down gently, Relax. Make love when you can. it's good for you. There can be no nouns, i only pee verbs.

PLEASE DO NOT insult the river gods while crossing the river, Thankyou--the MGT. Re-nuwell and redevelopment of Rivers clean enough to swim in to visualize and realize harmony everywhere. Without worry or negative "fear" induced states of mind. Free flowing mind going and cutting through the Slack country amber museyrumum welcome to the blu countree museyroom to be lovingly touched tasted and toasted back, retoasted multi seed feedback from live seedbanks nestled into River banks and canal embankments. What do you consider woff saying? ➝ Different species co-exist you might say, "any to any" they cooperate within their local social vortext. Went to see the River man, went to tell her all i can, about the plan, hydroelectric zero pint watermilling will begin with wet n' wild water spelling, using liquid hyperlight and magic metaphors of microtesttube narrative journeys around the imaginative palace of flewitt art.

Tsar bright eyes tongue made of blue stars. Coincidence? Synchronicity? ➚ Cosmic Hillary taste? just a taste. Wrestle with Malignant Extraterrestrials ➚ and Gawds while still scratching my face with fluffy gloves. Kitchen Ninjahs baking mysteries into edible puppets, action at a distance like ESP, effects from afar eye like star light, living laws of five, maybe nine till five? ninja telepathic radar, solid as iron bar, tuned in with her silver super-Dog star, vigilant like a patrol car, on track like a railroad car and her sweet music, the sounds of ninja on her old steel guitja. ninja health, like rain like a salad bar, or Sushi bar, or yugoslavian dinar. Government Puja pusher. Ninjah knows where what how and who you are. Left her Dogmas at the door. Telkepathic action-at-a-distance, ➘ knowledge from afar, star born ninja beings of the great ancient Chinese HIDDEN PERIOD. No kiddin' just playin' turns out city lights when travelling back through a time hole. Procrastination that pro-time theif. Turn you into a granola bar with my verse so far a crumbling strategy, and im just getting warm, waking up sons. aka Puller. Ninjah! ninjah! The words Wife world. Momma, youngest daughter, baby sister, favorite Auntie. Rah, Rah, Rah! Rest in Discord. world.

Resurrect an immortal Presence in absence? From late winter Spring timespice. Permanence in season change. Fallen, leaves winter. in permanence life in death. Early Spring Blossoming LiNG LING. Eternal flower power pink chirpsong lamint. Peace Robert Anton Wilson and thanks for the ride. "My pomtoms translate from Delphine into English, a microphone here in the control room sends our voices to the poem that translates into Delphine and broadcasts the correst sounds through the water to the reader." said Hagbard, Bloem. Flowers seem totally amazing today man. The spore of the words or the bore drops the turds? Resurrect immortal stars? ➚ immortal presence in absence? and originally called "World Piss" a Portal from late Winter Spring in season. Summer, Change again.

Fallen leaves geimhreadh, in permanence life in death. Burnt tales hot in my Guct, (Ouw) turning my stomach mechanism over using these trybetabl cuts.Ultra-magnetic pullies. Knot derived from ethylene but Fli-Discs enchant hearts with herbs. Enviro friendly as melody. As 2012 inch spiral groove encrusted disc. A Spiral dance with a Stylush. 45' Queen Diamond tipped nuzzles massage my cream nozzles. Sniffin' indicator diagrams.

Scratch here for indica. Here for Sativa. Here for Black Hash. Here for Strawberry ← Orange and on. Weaving flavor through the groove canals simultaneous: phase/phase thud and rumble times 2turnatbles. From tub to tub like barrels of whisky whisking ultramagnetic forces into vinyl courses. Get beat scrumpin' at them jumble sale LP's. L.P's the KEYS remember. Order comes and goes and comes. Like my concentration playing guitar. Chaotic flipping routine's rotate into sense. And non-sense.

Laser Chirp Scribble. Whipped with wooden Birch spoons
Mckloonatrax rattle, ho, chicken wire revolution
Hands jiggle jungle bugs simultaneously
Throwing old Blue Notes by their tales.

Funky drummer on repeat with one finger & putting Miles' on beat with another. Two rekkids spun to rekindle. Tea rack coordinates ➚ from the under the kitchen sunk, with the moldy sponge and the draino' funky tiunes. Then to the sun and rain. All fucking colors. Whirling plastic vehicles of sound.

Prose Logik audio starting up, starting up after breaking down while breaking it down about breaking down on the cutting edge only last week. Sunlight shines in a hemp platter, better with a slap matt and a shopping bag sheath for a thinner wafer-thin layer on the otherwise bald fluff. Tractionears full of snow-wax redicu-chords.

Big Red flares. Put to DAT. Get F.A.T. and Amplfi-tunes."Phrenic ΩHM" to take us aum, home. Time c❁de the Seal calendar. To hatch the Seer' Alto flynl Scratch Anti-skate laws, ensuring the freedom to assembly, free speech and the right to a turntable. Across scale. Motherfucking load of Bollitiqs.
"Take the enclosed copy of this letter. Cut along the lines. rearrange” -- William S. Burroughs
Experiments from the beating beefheart of the blackcountry. First flight of fantasy, textual flights, catapult my faults at a page. Platter rage fired from a 2012 gauge. in the spore lab 9, my museyroom, its fine. Microscope to check the weed Crystals, Telescope to check the Crystls in the Galaxy galaxy. Zyperrealist imagistourview estate of mind. Later on we'll conspire, As we dream by the fire To face unafraid The plans what we've made Walking in Robocop wonderland. Even Steven Prattle, a battle around the bend. Dadalust for flight through light and dark. Spark the word. Stay live. Don't get too close now steve'. March 08. Amsterdam. Hallways and passage lead to the messages that weigh nothing. Equality. Pay nothing. Harmony. Say nothing when there's no thing to say. If light had a weight we would be floating away with our thoughts.

Imaginengine what reality humanity might get away with. Metempsyshosis, Liberty and Light. Reflected to us from our sense apparatus, given by natures dog. Human beings unbounded in universal teleological TV shows. Little Sister. Celebrity get me inn here! See thee confounded in political definition. And s/he began like a thunderbolt: There can be no holy wars. Wars stem from lack of information information. Who rolls the dice nice? Peace cannot be kept by force, only achieved by understanding. She Who Speaks With Burning Wind in Her Mouth. Let the wind speak. A fly will not get into a closed mouth.

Skywriting by word of mouth. i hear an army charging upon the land, from their mouth. The Madness of it All. Who set the Reichstag Fire? Journalism reports facts. Poetry spells the truth. Peace comes of teletelecommunication.

War seems like a twelve year old boy with no arms. Peace sells but who's buying? War days without plan, grasping scents of death. W☠r, no matter how necessary or justified, appears criminal to me. What's so civil about war anyway?

Who would Dante consign to the ninth circle of Hell in 2009?
Poets today piercing Blush,
and the Brown m☠ddness.
OH Bamadness continues...

My pen as Silver bullet, whizzbong. Full of James Haze Juice. "God wants ME to be Prime Minister. God wants ME to be President" i hear em' saying on the news. Make assassinations not war whispers the wise crank. Each one in the name of it's God. Come you masters of war. Even Jesus would never forgive what YOU do. War to end all wars. it was claimed the war had ended, it had not ended. Only the madman is absolutely sure. Do not move. You have caused this war by your excessive zeal. No poem for annihilation. War huh, what is it good for. And monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead. Using war in an effort to attain peace. Leaves communities in pieces. Whatdoyouthink? the F☠ben works still entact? 1941: Nazi invasion of the Soviet Union in pursuit of oil. World peace: most noble goal of humanity Gold enhair, i hear you singing a merry air. Dolliskullyscum & bums. Manners maybe from earth and water, because some say they upraise out of hills and streams. Rude city oil slickers and cola espiocrats. Rats. Ethics still born from agriculture. if only church were like a tree. Sin; they nailed him to the tree. 2006: began investigating causes of war to oppose same. That corpse you planted last year in your garden. Has it begun to sprout, will it bloom this year? Myc❍topia or O'blivion. And bones of slaughtered men Lie bleaching in the Sun.

War begins in the minds of men. in minds the defense of peace must be constructed. In the mind indestructable-turn. War maybe peace. Freedom maybe slavery. ignorance maybe strength. Stink of death, sewage, garbage in the bombed city. And babies squealing like eagles. No substitute for committing peace. Wars like traffic accidents often motherfuckers running the RED LIGHT. Difficult to get news from poems. Women die every day for lack of what maybe found there. Peace seems to be when you get along with other people. The rhythm the rhythm and your memory in my head. Peace maybe an agreement to end a war. Dispute over sovereignty, territory, resources, religion. Clouds and the war wind whirl up. Grass roots tighten around white bones. No trace of previous war. Peace as a state of perpetual love. T$ar Lazar sits at the evening banquet. Peace as food for thought. War inspires fear and hate among people of nations. Peace seems like happiness and joy to the author. World War disputes, secret treaties. €conomic and political business plans. There maybe no way to peace, peace seems the way. Like the shining calm of Rivers and the sea. War writing on the wall ✐
My subject is poetry, not language, yet the roots of poetry are in language. In the study of a language so alien in form to ours as is Chinese in its written character, it is necessary to inquire how those universal elements of form which constitute poetics can derive appropriate nutriment. --Ernest Fenollosa, The Chinese Written Character as a medium for Poetry.
Dream # 2. (Dream Time Unknown) 1:11: 00. Outside the Robin Hood R n' B club over in front of the Mary Hill shopping Center, there was a huge mound of waste of some sort with a giant sign sticking out of it, like in a cartoon, spelling out the word FORBIDDEN. I quickly jump on a motorbike and start racing and skidding around the car-park area through puddles around and into the waste land area like Steve Mcqueen in some lost scene from the great escape. Then, wild dog-wolves and Monkeys come lurching towards me with slanted gallops, lurching with horrible uneven leg movements, i avoid them by the skin of my teeth, panicked i speed off to safety but only narrowly avoiding falling off the bike a few times, bike' had a mind of its own, out of control. Next thing i remember i am lying down somewhere warm and cozy, thinking and fantasizing about a dark skinned lady and her loving hot kisses.
