WhaLe PISS. CHAPTER 14. Doll of the Dully

Chapter XIV.
"All i'm gonna do is just go on and do what i feel." --Jimi Hendrix
Since way before before History history, from the Blueberry sky and the Apple sea of green tea came the spirit of great APLsoftski. Tele-ported from 54 B.C. [Before Coltrane] Poet bard inventor of mystical cakes ice cream cakes. APLsoftski bakes History's mystory solid to the pan of pun. Leaves scraps for the dog pan. APLsoftski of the Bong gone eara, days of crazy wisdom, with wit of Banshee and Tongue of tong fu tea. Casting light back out to sea and sky and making the shoes fit snug with a super-lace, knotting land and sky together, APLsoftski moth flickers! To cross again is not to cross! knot really. Hey, read his polite line buddy, do not get cross. Words pulling down the skyfold, Emcee APLsoftski of the Eburonic Chapter for 'Pataphysical Research. APLsoftski To the B Sky Bee Boy Broadcasting Tea tymespicy.

Wholly Chao! An ode to Eris and Everyware ✜ Tetra-teleporting slack spyme juice. APLsoftski on the loose. Ubiquitusk. Tie it up nice to your face. Slingshot rotten teeth bullets to fix the world web. Every flow has its ebb. Beat-box the Battle of the ₣rench Canadian Bean Field Soup, keep Spitting Maybe debris, phalanx of panarchy. Baba APLsoftski. invoking She, and doubtfulness with finesse so slick that it can undress your daughters of congress. Fix this mess, Baby logic can fix this chest of draws. All here now in the room and APLsoftski ➘ will not flee or pee his panties. He stands besides me. Us, on the magic bus, the Maybe baby class of 07. who's the author, who's the author←

Golden s✪ma juice and the absence of G✪ld. Filtering a new dawn, way over dew, Nothing is true, all is permitted between nothingness and Eternity it seems, well at the bottom of Atum's tea cup swimming in the last drip-drop. Eye ear you loud n' clear. Ear cumz eve's body - sweet and smooth as APL. De-√ine decor-dead with corpseManure Tao in the sung. Soul in the baal; a poetic crucible miximelt pot tao. Twisted and knotted rhetoric twisted with chapatwoless indian Vibes. You know momi; indians lungwaj themselves with original zest And rhymazone.

Quilting themselves to be the bee all and end all of the universe. Achording to this poem. indras internets ploughing the clouds for irish S☺ma. Sewing yarns on the wheels of steel with my blue song. Wrapping up cotton mouths around the axis platter with my Tongue. Skratching teeth with Golden picks. Flossing krisstianity with superfloss theory and entropic decay, Rolling on the ear drum. listening for a sign. Petting the seal. Ωhmbillicu' chucalendar chord progressions. A circle of spliffs turn me snake's eyes snake eye. Blond earwhig with drooping lobes. John Dee's chords look fresh L.S D# chorded. De vine CD/ The last souped floss theory; Genesuspect was strangled by a South American vine at the last supper just shortly after eighting ΛmritΛ desert Poodung.

Jesuspect was replaced by a stunt double: christereotyp. An earlier string of events hang my picture in the gallery with Precise strategic planning for devil's d# vine koad, cypher D# tuned. A poison T✺ad slime letters swinging their way through the Emerald jungle like Zazen. An entire letter of litters sprouting up next to the snake River like fligenpilz. Mycelium spills. The second coming. recycling. The vine D# corded and recorded, Rapping my way up trees to make paragraphs in the canop2p. D# vine see c❁de, divine mode, everywhere i look i see G✡ld, god And good. D# plus evil equals D#evil.

D'vine you see dee koaded papyrus leaves kryptonight scholars with Their face blue. Unable to breath. The flow did, the crow did, the show never ended. We will never run out of pipe, as long as it can be made from Light. The goods never leafed us Koading and D# koading by dye and dear. D' devil in me got a whole da the mic, turning me queer. Listen up d# adoobe, d# day has come to go out of your my#D. D# chord the woid. D# side the d#disc, B' sides getting pissed You may find, D# j D'vine, spinning d#disc word novel tea, Humming diss word order. D#an vyn C# Cow'd brown, so get up to get down.

Slide down my rope, descend this yarn. D# day has come, d'dont drive drunk. Danger, disgusto disschord flatted by pissed piano tuners, D#iss Chord or DAT cord? Vines and wine stop timespace. Snakes and LaD#Ders, drinks and bladders acquired taste. Cea of wine discolored; Atomic B✹mb and LSD - Angleton/Foley/Haushofer/Hess/Donovan? Drug culture history hidden varialble. Vineyard described using meters 3 chin of flax and a phat stack of wax. Misspilt wyne stains the mind. Heels bells and buckets of oil. GUCT full of oil and shifting gears. Telepathic internet brings i-Discs to my ears. Just wait until i spill the Tale of the Tribe onto WHEELS. Turning teaching I-CHING. Seal/Calendar/Memory DISC.

Drosphilia Toad'dead. Disbanded dismounted Toad soul, distanced from D# N/A by 22 Billion light years. Sorry it's kode. D'vine C' old DC Code. LAP Ayahuascabeta. A.L.Phauasca APL youaska? Beta say no. Drink that shit, makes you say "hey yoshi yoshi yo yo", On the double. Twinnings brewing, twins t'wound up in drunk vine slungwaj. Double expresso wake up call. Form and function - wyrless. keep on laughing and languaging until the fields of dreamtime Turn god n' brown and good n' godly, Round midknight he turned on the lights, Bright temple providing focus for all knight deceivers, Eat and sing me into being with your i-cairopod. Towords a New Superultramodern Scientism of Dzoghop. He-man was blowing up this whole idea, mixing muffins in his kitchen, and now also suppin' on a cold guinness beer, yeah yeah feed as cold starve a fever. "A multicultural festival" with animals, plants and exotic matter too. All the worlds creatures.

An ark with a twist, a new spark, maybe some ideas that appear dark, like William S. Burroughs or that legendary incident in Phoenix Park. [3:8:99. Picking up four books at Stourbridge library i found myself with a passage from one of them describing precisely what somebody else had just told me as if it was coming directly from them. Alas, i forget what this thing ever was or is? but it felt like epiphany.] Woke up one morning, my home town was gone. Snakes take away my baby. Tears fall into my chips and gravy. Gotta run. Cops stop me on the street. Playing a breakbeat sir. CCTV looking over me like a HAWK. And yet nobody on the other end of that SPYNET Wants to talk.

But Why? what hop? in the buginning wwoz the woid. The basis liberated from the buginning of treblesome woids. Look at the Vaqhummus natural state of woidsley. The Buddhalynn vision itself is knot mynd, does knot mind and the mind appears neither phorm nora vixen vision to the author. Anyone who is. Is not. Nutty i know but like a knot when threaded and pulled in the proper places--remains a substantial SLOGAN for these times in 2008. What the NEWS says it is. IT seems to me to probably be NOT. Get knotted.

Become the media node,
knot yourself and others together. If you ask what hip hop consists of you must understand that all the visions come from Karmika traces. Why? what hops? what is hip, tell me tell me if you think you know. In the Mumginning wwoz the woid. From breath. Even though Buddha-Bridge d visions apple-peer, they have knu inherent exit-stance. With talk unlimited you always know where your at with your home pill. YOU ARE HERE. Mary djembe. Stephan though some things steam to happen Wen Wei now awayk in Buddhabedfordshire, azzif day wwoz permanent and really real alterations to the woid, karmika Tracy's.

Phantoms. Ghosts. Spooks. History hidden mystory. Figments. No-thing has hap-penned. WOiD in the absolute sentre. in terms of the Hip and the hop you cannot explain the difference between the bass, the energy or the reflection. Can you? The nature of the sentre of Woidzley empteaness. Everything & nothing everyware shines. Thee can be no escape to the void. It is always empty. Shit always stinky. The Vinyl tooth rec✹gnizes unifiction of awareness and hempteaness. Recognizes hemptea-ness. The mature nature of the woid drinks hemptea. Drunk tea at the dumpster funk show. At the berry bugining YU mustard snow the mother hues, butter day oar to be kissed toe-marrow? Some tea-chairs madam.

Peach flavored Mammamud-Microphilm signals. Bloemung Madhyamika technique, or Dogchien, or whats hip? and hop? azzif the views similar. YU make the difference, things stay the same. From Pohwashire to Dharmadales, fBudding ham palace to Weirdly ill and then pack to back to Loonpun Po. A Palace for everyware, and everyare in its palace. This "knot difference" seems missing in the literature to ste. Separation, distinction and separation required. To bridge Distinction to make terms anchored. When you flow to them with a mobile mind. With sensimedia. Make clear, make cheer so that the earthly meaning of the worm can wiggle through soiled contexts of collective signals through half-termholes.

The knu judo-science of dzoghop maybe with you. Weather you snow it or snot. Known antidote to your claritea? Biscuits? it will bee bliss eternal. Surrender naked and smiling. Inexpressible nature, abundant and unremovable. SHE lady wisdom. A Sheman Shaman OH Man. Look and listen; there seems no subject at all at all. What is Hip, tell me, tell me, if you think you know? why Vizxi✪ns. Without X thoughts claritea provisions. Here to me. And so in another buginning the woidzley wrapapa unwraps and in the muddle is the souldance and master there-in-after your in the unbewisdΩme again said J.J. Deux copies of sΩma seal callen.dr ent.ertwinned mixer licksir in between, phase Arcacia, mind still like sion. Wind speaking.

YOU BED I DREAMD BACK TO BED BED PIECE. Four posts of a bed, and the rectangular dimensions of the mattress. 6 surfaces: 4 sides, ceiling, floor. Posts of the bed = Microphones, Aerosol cans, turntable manipulation JOYSTICK! TOTTEM POLES! with CORROM pieces stacked. Able to twist and turn, discs stacks. MINI DISKS. CORROM dream discs stacked, manipulated by DREAM DJ! Medium by which communication travels around room: Air, Electromagnetic spectrum, dreamspace (GODISTURBER, i.e THE FORCE!) Arms-hands, legs-feet, head, mouth, ears, eyes, nose etc. Interacting process (on the bed) Fuckin' mixin' the four corners, the four elements of dowhatchalike together into a dream weave. Our dream? I dream of Lip Hope. DJ.M.C Graff Breaking dreams. Scene 1132: human being lying in a star position on a rectangular bed, dreaming. But painting, scratching, rapping, breakdancing (sleep breakdancing) his or her DREAM! and so it goes...

Wriggling human figure, seen from above, having wet dreams, nightmares, fantasy celebrity orgies, etc. scratching, painting, rapping (PARTS) of mainstream media - popular signs, symbols, myths, etc. Mixing them all up together with new wires, pistons, gears, and vines, leaves and petals. Flowers. The mattress alike the MONOLITH from 2001. Interdimensional stardoors to the dreamworld with the dimensional properties, cotton WINDOWS. Soft, springy, A WATER BED? with the wave motion, more likely to be fun for textual images, as seen from above. See the FACE coming into focus from beneath the water! Like from the movie, the Minority Report, the Pre-Cogs lying in a kind of WHIRLPOOL. All created by the interplay of the four BED POSTS! Yes Sir! But, each post has an active, and a passive state. 1/0 Also the Four posts condense into two higher principles:Ceiling/Floor. And then unite in a single principle. no-mind: the dreamer. GET TO BED

Phase delay echo-compression amplitude condensation. Nature conversation conversion shunned, Versus waltz with heliocopter mammas heliocentrick'd mama vortext and hazel sister syrup. Sun Pancake worth wheating for. kullendar foods fro reaping calendar gods. Eight in Processional Cycles, 13, 30 666, Swallowed back in time with vinyl spacewine. Wooster. Miggle Earth muggled turff. kungfused by mudapplication of mudberry ill-logic. Mulberry splash n' smudge. Kingswingford boys and now girls too swing Edward's eye school, old school, iron ruled Towage, Mold school mux tapes to please Philosophy scholars, whoop holla's of Sci-fi seers, classic rock goth queens of the bone age, jumping gene interruptions from heavy Jazz cannons.

Croxxed wires croxxed again, but not really crossed acccording to laws of form. Free floating laws of form. Laws, like the spider's webnet, catch the fly and let the hawk go free. Crisschristed sound seeping through the studio walls, creeping out the cloud patterned cracks in the pavement, studiocentric worldviews lye dormant in Demeter saidi'ment collected like tapiocacola at the bottom of my pint. Fanny Cloud canvas, She appears in the wall clouds and the pink paint. Yamanita & knot Xamaneati Prattayana of TSunarby time-trouble wave particle elixir skipper. Chief. Spleef.

My F-mail from Europa. Slanguage mankind nature poetry it goes swimmingly. individual liberty, eschatological structuralism and other Big Big words so frequent in these flows. So she blows, wet and sticky icky. Ooha. A statue of Cognitive Liberty stands in defense of sacred sacrements. Mushrooms and magic. Hey Hague illuminatus, listen up! Suicide and poverty. T.V. and Newspaper trails. Biological, chemical cultural warfare. Eh. Johnny Clash with Electro Cash. Re register this poem as a retail of the tribe transaction. M.P.H.D.J Fly on the wheels of squeal. Thrones. Kings. Herows and ViVillains. Sampullz groovy and quotes can be lethal tools fools. The mess(age) maybe Landscapes. My mullti-story buildings in a world word of infinity.

Stack-shuffle cards and houses, phase and amplification. in the temple of the mental we start to process in cycles. The Sun rose orange just above my brow. Her Shoulder boulders are hard to get over, her knitting needle eyes injected me with a hurricane of chaotic love. Her mouth appealed to me; an entrance to my own temple town. She speaks in the lungwaj of caves, mysterious and with added reverb. Rapped myself around the tongue of her shoe and felt her soul. i weaved my way from the foot of her soul up just vine, ascending her thigh. A horny shoe lace. She grabbed my clock with her hands and we made good time, She peeled my forbidden flesh, drank my wine with a sea of smiles. Dancing about architecture, swimming about physics, surfing aboat internot. Mankind vs. Nature. (Language vs. The equation.) Its like this and that you see. Getting even rat.

“James Shermon and Bert Wheeler, an engineer and a mathematician, simultaneously defined information mathematically. Translated into English, they proved that information, like quantum mechanics, involves a receiver and a transmitter who cannot be separated” –Sonny Bob. Recorsi TTOTT.

Recirculating River of life blood through a body poetic. Gushing life force. Her body groans and sighs under the weight of a heavy heart. When a heart is on fire, sparks tend to firefly out of the mouth. The wind cries mary, she whistles with windy melody about thirsty fields. The wind whistles with her blustery lips and i place my lips upon a lip of a full cup of finest flyest' honeysap, i blow perfect pitch with my lips around this pitcher of elixir. Fruiting body poetic sprouting strange froots and sewing seeds of doubt. Seeds sproutfrom from my mouth into a field of dreams. They planted themselves into a morphogenetic field and i combed the meadow pastures with the aplhabeticalendar teeth of a rake with the Sun blazing into my temple.

My dentist works as a part-time poet, she provides the filling; the stuffing for my hollow mouth cavity. Apollo-nation field. My dentist became memuse, she sedates me with her eyes and sews false teeth in another magnetic dream field. She gives me a fresh smile and helps my alphaBetical teeth stay firmly glued into my temple town, my head. She enables my poems bite. Her breasts were swollen like 2 sacks of grain, food for thought, boobs for thought, milk for my babies. Two glacial mountains in spring, a fountain of white cream dripping down to her umbilical regions; towards her sacred mound, her hairy oasis. The wind cries a naval chord melody, which stretches all the way up to the stars in G. The galactateting universe, she has a special milky galactic way with words. i suck, and drink. i am the measure of my universe, where the Bee once sucked. Moi plastic mind ruler bends in the political heat waves crashing at my shores.

The author longing for a real taste of nature, just a sip of fresh water-juice from an oasis, or a juicy berry or a spoon of life rice. She rules my uni-verse, and i paint the measurements, i paint the intervals, choose weather its centimeters, yards, Ωhms, Pounds, Watts, feet or S/he acts my muse, the body poetic, metaphor and more real that simply that shadow and reflection. I can feel her right now. The G❍ddess life force. i wish to spark others into enblazen.ing their masterfulness and measure-mental capacity. You the mistress who makes the grass groan. Bright and clear as daylight flash camera. Fertile the bathroom. Yield to the grassy force field. Make it dewy, classic, invite lights onto morning Web deW.

Create a interpenetrated image. PhantazzomegariQ, make fungus grow on the fields or daisies, or, if you like, maybe the grass could lead to an oak tree or Silver Birch. All that glitters maynot be gold, maybe all that glitters, silver etc. In the temple of the mental you can be anything you like, this time around. in the temple of the mental we continue gue??ing, what we know relates to how we imagine our knowledge to be. We imagine we know - according to our own individual measurement device. Our mind/body interface maybe. My body poetic will not be dissolved by your rhetoric. Dumplings sit proud silent nutritious. The space programe it came between us. Rockets and robots to other planets. i'm working the Dirty dishes from making dirty wishes and Tit for tat keep us earth bound you ground.

You light me sound. that house on the mountain will stay with me. Amptea! more tea. Peace. Tranquility. teletelecommunication. Ambush in the bathroom. High as angels. Just because these words seem meaningless, in some sense, does Peace. US/ UK trade your blues and grits, tea and bingo. Charles Manson for Prince Charles. Number 10 for Cap itol Hill. 911 for 77. A drill for a drill. James Bond, Reinhard Gehlen, National football teams all switch sides, terms, sponsors and rules. Ronald Macdonald for Simon Cowell. Madonna. Cliff Richard. Fries for chips. Boxing lions and unicorns for a one-eyed Turkeybuzzard. One for One. Disney Land, Brittany and M.J. for Charlotte Church, Russel Brand, Alton Towers. Swap us your Apple computer for apple records. Re:greening the planet with Emerald mycelium turntablets. Apollinate a knuw nation with interknot ∞ Don't shell the fish that is shtill shwimming in the ochean.

Yarvard Oxridge directions ← rolling in a Ford coupe, then switching to a black Jaguar then a general motors then into a RollsDarpa. Boeing. Monsanto and up to Porton Down. Lockheed Martin for Lady Thatcher. Hamburgers, milkshakes and Bluegrass. UKCiA. Stay clear. Rugby, Snooker and the Magna ©arta. Democracy for our Sovereigntea. King George, Tsar Tony houses of parliament for the senate. Who will notice. China-time. Musiqz the result of collaboration. Stereo. Collaboration. The musikness transmitted first from temporal sequence to spatial pattern, temp to space, temp to space and then redwrite black into a temporal movement. Space to temp, space to temp. file-flies in chapters, pictures, poemssongs, mopcomics collecting true filth. Vital components to any ship. Spycetime update: Remanurxture of 24 energy Gnowdz: circumnavigating the equinoxes and solstice cream donuts. Thanks to and all Maybelogicians at Large. To redivine the tropical SΩMAwake year of 360 daze into 24 periods of fifteen days. My job for this year. A bloody nighmaze. Versus working in a bloody office. Now i feel in my GUCT that the spicetyme has come to pause momentarily, and then, to breath, to start writing my book again. Oh my cuts have wrecked my heart, and again. Cut up for times sake. CUT UP FOR Times space.

DNAcconda kind of 4 litter "alphabet" (A,G,C,T) writen scales of proteins - 20 letter litter gamble. 'alphabut" 20 amenocids versed. EthnuZupharmacognosy. Tranformative mechanism, but not a blind machine, oh no, twisted into genius. Lepton Taught well. Twisted. Alphadiabetic kodex. scarlet musyroom of pharoahgraphgic records. The neurological basis of consciousness remains unknown, what remains appears undefined and still unknown. WHAT IS? ISIS unknown. Thank great mystory for that rethinking. Aquillic blankets and antispam toolkits delivered by red spotted stunt kites, speaking with the wind. The fart of the matter. Poem-painting whispers, popping foam forms like from a natural snot spring of Kungfiti. Spatio/temporal c❁dex. Flow decks. Chan-like impromptus. Lifted material.

Grow on up and spreadsheet. TimewΛvΞ Axis ZerΩ input/output. For impact. Mycocompacket. Condensed meaning meaning unfasten your talk tapes. The stalks 'spirit-like," cables possessed of a subtle and invisible virtue, divine, sacreal. Pot-Pipewaters the watery lunar months.Sacrifice creates the recoming of tymespace. The SΩMA fisherman draws twelve or thirteen cups of lickquid representing months, for "the seasons, the year, are everything". Without somΛwake there can be no timespace, no becoming, no compression. No brave new word. Measurement is consistant assignment of numbers to state$ of an empirical variable usually enforced with machine guns and the threat of violence or worse branded heretical.

"Be influenced, and acknowledge the debt outright. con.seal it. This lesson is the very basis of $olid crime syndicates. Credit rests in ultimate on the abundance of nature. Scanning metered verse + activity of recognizing allusions.

And symbolisms,
stereo mixtureremixed into "hho" pattern, seems analogous to ancient hanging out. These timestables. Earth calls this playgerm.ism. Who are you. Name. Occupation. Sex. Nation. Who are you. Bloodline. Race. Work Experience. Who are YOU? Date of Birth/Death? Address. Who are you? Where do you live? who's your wi₤e? Who are you? How many children do you have? Whats their names? Who you? you got di$eased?

Who are you please tell? do you claim benefit$? How much do you earn. Who are you? Who's your boss? How much did you earn last year? What did you buy last year? Who are you? how many miles do you travel to work. Who are you? who was your old Boss? Who are you? Did you ever work for the Government? Who are you? what are your weak points? Are you your name? what remains. Welcome to civilized so sigh at teatime. Drug food of animal origin include serum vaccines, hormones, aphrodisiac beetles (spanish fly), immunostimulating ants, cod liver oil, deer musk, cat civet, psychoactive toad venoms, dream fish, and toxic honeys according to Giorgio Samorini. 111 radical rainbow girls brew the woid stew.

The reality of metaphysics is the reality of masks.
--Oscar Wilde

9.30 A.M. 22:3:00. Traveling on board a coach somewhere deeply foreign feeling, blurred historically. in front of me was Kate, sitting with a tall mysterious African man. We all chatted and behaved in a seemingly proper manner, almost cardboard though, in our interactions with each other. Now we're on a train stretching out our legs, relaxing and telling jokes. We get off the train and the world feels like another world entirely. Another planet. Everything was now illuminated. Next i awoke to being pulled along by a shire Horse in an old wooden cart along a bumpy cobbled track somewhere. The path felt like it was Spiraling upwards and through the dusk light i kept getting brief glimpses of great STRUCTURES on the Horizon, constantly changing shapes. Those of us in the cart all held on for our dear lives and then, magically the Horse and Cart transformed into a modern day tractor.
