The following critters are some of my most used and abused scholarly and academic sources of inspiration for WORLD PISS. The Spore of the words.
--fly agaric 23
- William S. Burroughs.
- Robert Anton Wilson.
- Timothy Leary
- James Joyce.
- Bruce Sterling.
- William Gibson.
- Philip K. Dick.
- Terence Mckenna.
- Francis Crick.
- Paul Krassner
- Jeremy Narby.
- R.U Sirius.
- Erik Davis.
- David J. Brown.
- Danial Pinchbeck.
- Paul Stamets.
- Christian Ratsch.
- Aldous Huxley.
- John Lennon.
- Aleister Crowley.
- Hakim Bey
- Ezra Pound
- H.P Lovecraft
- John Sinclair
- Alan Moore
- Saul P. Sirag
- Zhaoming Qian
- The crittters about the Maybelogic Academy
--fly agaric 23